chapter 22 The Prisoner

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Jorge and his friends looked up with surprise to see Elizabeth being held up in the air by Kagura. Jorge steps in feeling anger making a fist. "KAGURA!" He takes out his sword. "Be at Naraku's castle by the mountains before nightfall or we displace her." Kagura says flying away on her feather with Elizabeth passing out. 

"DAMN THEM!" Jorge says feeling frustrated.

Miroku steps in. "I believe I know the way." He points towards the back of the mountains. Victoria looks at Jorge narrowing her eyes looking as if, she wanted to kill him. "When this is over, you need to tell her how you feel." They enter towards the mountains looking for them.


 "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." Naraku chuckles. "So you didn't fail me for once." Kagura rolls her eyes. "Of course not. Now what do we do with her?" They looked to see the innocent young woman laying down on the ground still passed out. "Hmmmm?" Naraku looks at her with a smirk on his face. "Throw her in the dungeon." He folds his hands together smiling to himself. "This shall be great. Inuyasha and his friends will come here looking for Kagome but little do they know, their gonna fall right into my trap."


Mean while, Jorge and his friends were rushing until, they know is a barrier. Miroku looks at it. "WAIT INUYASHA!" "I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!" Jorge yells racing into the barrier. "AA!" He fell to the ground, feeling as if, he were gonna pass out like Elizabeth. He felt as if, the world was spinning around him.

Miroku sighs with annoyance. "I wish he listened." He says closing his eyes for a few seconds. Trevor sighed and his eyes began to glow green for a second. "That's what he get's for not listening." He says closing his eyes for a few seconds.

Victoria steps in with Kirara, Emma, and, Jaken. Jaken looks around worried. "Sesshomaru must be in there." Emma looks up at Victoria with worry. "What's wrong?" Victoria sighs looking down at the ground. "I was mad at Jorge earlier but for some reason, I feel like I'm mad at Miroku now." "OH NO!" Emma steps back with fear. Her eyes begin to water. "What? What is it?" Victoria asked with worry. "It's-it's you." Emma wipes the tears off her face. "What about me?" Victoria looks at her with confusion. "Your-your-your changing. Your starting to think your Sango now." Just then, Emma begins to look around seeing Jaken so determined to get in.  Her eyes suddenly glow brown for a second. "Don't worry Jaken. We'll find Sesshomaru." She says with a smile on her face.


The room was cold and dark, it had spiders, rats, it looked so gloomy, it had echoing water drop noises everywhere, there were some hanging spider webs at the corners of the sells.  Elizabeth slowly begins to wake up rubbing her eyes. "Where am I?" Then, she suddenly hears a strange voice.

In my prison.

"Who-WHO SAID THAT?!" Elizabeth yells feeling scared. She was shaking from head to toe. Then, she suddenly looks to see glowing red eyes coming out from the dark. "You will stay here until, Inuyasha and his friends get here but they won't find you. They'll just gonna fall straight into my trap. Elizabeth get's up beginning to feel discussed. Her narrowed eyes suddenly glow brown for a second. "I'M SICK OF HEARING YOUR VOICE!" She takes out her bow and arrow ready to shoot but before she could get the chance to, he was already gone.


Sesshomaru looks around the castle. "So this is where your hiding Naraku." He continues walking.


"HOLD ON!" Miroku throws his cards onto the barrier causing it to break. "There. Now LET'S GO!" They head over to Naraku's castle. Jorge looks at the castle with worry. "This is all my fault. If I wouldn't have gotten so angry, we still would've been friends and everything would've been ok. Please Elizabeth. Where ever you are. Please be ok." He rushes towards the castle.


Naraku was laying down in peace but before he could enjoy anymore of it, someone breaks the wall. Naraku quickly jumps up as, a flash of light tries to hit him. "OH? It's you." He looks to see it was Sesshomaru standing there with an emotionless face. Then all of a sudden, Naraku begins to transform with tentacles coming out of him. Sesshomaru narrows his eyes bringing  out his sharp claws. "So this is your true form." "No, You've have only begun to see my true form." Naraku chuckles.


Jorge and his friends enter the castle. Trevor looks down at the ground to see cute little fox demons with nine tails. "Awwwwwww." Trevor smiles at them." "Look at how cute they are." Victoria steps in with worry. "Umm? Are you sure you should be petting them?" Miroku looks at them feeling nerves. "Don't let your guard down Shippo. They could be dangerous." Shippo looks at them laughing. "I know my foxes." Then suddenly, one of the foxes blows fire at him. "AAAAAA!" Trevor start running around in circles. "PUT IT OUT! PUT IT OUT!" "Oh jeez." Jorge rolls his eyes picking up Trevor patting the fire out. Aaa, that's better." Trever smiles with relief. "HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT WE'RE AT NARAKU'S CASTLE?!" Jorge says with annoyance. Suddenly that moment ends, when they hear a strange voice. 

So you made it, have you?

They all looked up to see Naraku, Nura, Kanna, and Kagura standing on a cloud of miasma. "OHHHH, my babies." Nura says welcoming her two fox demons with open arms. "Yelp, yelp" The fox demons jumped up onto the miasma cloud running up to her.

Emma looks around. "Hey? Where's Sesshomaru?" Naraku chuckles. "I devoured him." Jaken steps in with anger. "OH YOU MONSTER! EATTING MY LORD LIKE THAT!" Jorge steps in taking out his sword. "LOOK?! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO TO HIM! JUST TELL ME WHERE KAGOME IS!" Jaken narrows his eyes at him. "HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT LORD SESSHOMARU THAT WHY! HE IS THE WISEST AND MOST STRONGEST DEMON OF THEM ALL!" Jorge turns to Miroku. "Miroku? Get them out of here." 

"COME ON!" Miroku rushes Emma, Jaken, and Trevor out of there.

Jorge was more worried then ever until, he heard a familiar voice. "SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP?!"

INUYASHA  To The Fantasy WorldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora