chapter 10 Poisoned

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They all stared at the two half demons standing before them. They felt as if they wanted to go run and hide but they forced themselves to stay.

Naraku looks at them with glaring eyes. 

Miroku steps in showing no fear. "NARAKU?! JUST WHAT DO YOU PLANE TO DO?!" He stood their not moving. He looked as if, a whole herd demons couldn't take him down.Naraku smirks towards him. "Well-well-well if it isn't the holy monk."

Just then, Nura narrows her eyes at them with anger. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO MY BELOVED THAT WAY!" Naraku turns to her. "Oh keep calm by dear. They won't dare hurt me now." He puts his hand on her chin. "Not with you by my side." Nura smiles at him blushing. "Yes by master."

Jorge steps backing feeling as if he sick to death. "Ohhhh STOP IT! YOUR GONNA MAKE BE THROW UP!" Naraku smirks at him. "So tell me Inuyasha? Did you injoy the Iron bear demon?" Jorge backs up with his eyes widen. "He knows but how?" Naraku chuckles. "I sent it after you to destroy you but it ended up failing. What a disappointment." He closes his eyes for a few seconds and opens then again.

Nura chuckles beside him and hands over a small piece of meat to him. Naraku slowly pushes it away. "Oh no my dear. Not now." 

"You almost killed Kagome. YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Jorge tries to charge at Naraku usinghis sword powers but as he did, Nura and Kanna both made a barrier causing it to backfire on him. It struck him down to the ground causing him to bleed. 

Elizabeth's eyes water as she came running down the hill. "INUYASHA?!"

Naraku chuckled along with Kanna standing quietly, and Nura disappear as Naraku's miasma began to swoop around them.  

Victoria stepped in. "Damn him." Her eyes narrowed. 

Jorge was laying down on the ground hurt while, Elizabeth slowly picked him up with Trevor standing by her side. They slowly brought him back into the hut rapping bandages around his wounds. 

Emma turns to see beautiful flowers in the garden. "I'll be right back." Victoria turns to her with sadness. "Your leaving already." Emma turns around. "I said I'll be right back." 

After a few hours passed, they where all inside of the hut as it began to poor. "Jorge looks up at Victoria. "So what's the big deal. Sesshomaru went after her. He's probably protecting her right now. So there's no need to worry. Elizabeth turns to him with narrowed eyes. "INUYASHA?!" She was angry until she was cut off my Victoria. "NO Kagome. He's right. Sesshomaru is protecting. So I guess there's no reason to worry about it."

Just then, they looked to see a small little girl outside. She looked as if she were sick. Victoria quickly rushes towards her to see it was Emma. Emma slowly looked up at her trying to keep her eyes open. She leaned on her. "Sango? Pl-Please help me."

STAY BACK! A voice called out to her. 

Victoria turned to see Miroku rushing in with worry. "I've seen this before. SHE'S BEEN POISONED!"

They took in her and layed her down on a small patch of hay. Kaede steps in with meds. "She's hurt bad but she will be well soon.

Trevor looks at her feeling sorry. "Kaede? I hope she gets better soon." Kaede turns to him. "She will. She just needs some rest."

Trevor turns to Elizabeth. "That's unusual." Elizabeth turns to him lifting a bow. "What do you mean?" Trevor crosses his arms. "Well isn't Sesshomaru and Jaken suppost to be with her. "That's true." Elizabeth rests her head on her chin. "Umm? Where is Sesshomaru?" 

Victoria layed on the side. "Hmm? Now that you mention it."

"Oh here we go again." Jorge rolls his eyes feeling annoyed until it suddenly leaves his mined as, he looks to see a beautiful young woman walking by. She had long black hair and was wearing red and white colored cloths.

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