Chapter 20:A Friend with Secrets

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Three years later, Encre's POV 

Everything has gone well. Pente has turned 2.5 years old and has shown signs of his vampire genetics, (besides climbing or hanging from the walls and ceiling). He has grown his baby fangs, or at least one is completely in. Due to being part vampire, he ages at a different rate. Vampire years are different. While a skeleton may have 365 days for one year, their age is depending on their years which have 402 days. Jasper still is very protective of him. Let's just say that he has persuaded other kids not to talk bad about Pente, who is one of the first mixes between "beast and monster". And to some kids that deems him a "weirdo". Well, until they met Jasper that is. He scares other kids to death. Yet still makes friends who agree with him. Fallacy and Felicia are proud of him.

Suave has had less to do. Besides making sure Pente doesn't get into trouble or keeping the drawer with his duster(and hidden knife in the duster) locked, he lost a lot of his "tasks". He can often be found reading books or daydreaming, letting out lovestruck sighs. Least to say, our friends have placed bets on who or what he daydreams about.

Word got out about what Asgore had planned for Pente before he was even born....Yeah, nobody was happy about it. Not even his allies or citizens. Next thing we know, they showed up at our walls, asking to ally with us and join our community. They will not stand alongside, support, pay taxes to, or be a citizen for a king that acts with such savage cruelty as they say. The walls had to be broken down and rebuilt to allow everyone to settle and soon the small village became a bustling group of towns. They even worked to make a sturdy roof over the town to block any intruders but was made to let citizens with flying abilities like vampires come and go as they please. There is a spell to scan for the badge on anyone trying to enter or exit, allowing these actions or not depending on the results of the badge scan. We actually had to make maps for once to figure out where everything is. Some allies from other kingdoms did not join but started trading with us and have made plans to defend us if ever in trouble, especially with Asgore. And yes, the war is still going. Blame Asgore's stubborness.

Today, Pente was playing upstairs with Jasper while I read a book that I got from the library. Suave was beside me, daydreaming again. Curiosity got to me.

"Hey, Suave?"I say

He falls off of his chair, snapping out of his daydream.

"Ooops, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."I say

"It's okay. What is up, Encre?"He says

"I'm just wondering what is on your mind that keeps making you space out. It is most likely good telling by how you always blush and let out lovestruck sighs when you daydream lately."I tell him

His face burns up. He looks around as if checking for eavesdroppers or attackers.

"Where is Jasper?"He asks

"Upstairs with Pente."I say

He sighs with relief.

"Don't tell anyone, okay?"He says

I nod.

"I've been daydreaming about.....Décans....I....might be getting a brief but intense infatuation for someone but for him."He tells me

I quickly check the dictionary, seeing that he just said the definition of a crush. Awww, he admits having a crush on Deccy!

I smile.

"How long was I daydreaming?"He asks

"From 3 to sundown."I say

"Oh jeez!"He says, hitting his head onto the table

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