Chapter 37: Poetic Love

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(Hey, I'm going to try a poetic or rhyming writing style for a bit. Let's see how this goes....NO POV, two months later)

A knock is echoed through the long, vacant halls of the vampire castle deep within the Forbidden Forest, bouncing off the walls.

Suave goes down the steps to meet the knocker who calls.

He witnesses Palette getting tossed between Reaper and Horror, juggling him as he were a bunch of balls.

"Stop that at once before the little angel falls!"

They hear Suave and freeze up, dropping him. Suave's eyes dim.

"Are you okay? What stupid trick were they doing now?"He asks, giving Reaper a cold glance

He knew what Reaper may be doing and wasn't going to let it advance.

"I-I don't know...Are Jasper and Goth here by chance?"Palette asks with a shaky stance

Suave nods, gesturing up the stairs and watching the little boy prance up the stairs to see his buddies.

Suave gazes at the two vampires, who only stare back. Horror excuses himself for some studies. Reaper huffs and walks away. Suave shakes his head, hearing the children play. He continues down and opens the door, smiling at the couple in the doorway.

 He continues down and opens the door, smiling at the couple in the doorway

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"Hey, Suave!"Azure and his lover say with a grin

A mark is visible on Azure's neck, freshly made. Both of their faces were brightly glowing and Poussière licked his fang still, enjoying the remaining taste of his lover's blood that mixed sweet and sour to create a tang.

"Greetings, you two. Why don't you both come in?"Suave suggests, allowing them to pass

They nod, walking in.

"Have you gotten the news yet?"Azure asks

"No.."Suave says

Azure hands him a paper and he fixes his eyeglass to read it. He grins, glancing up the stairs once hearing some light footsteps from upstairs. Out peeks Felicia curiously.

"What's the news, Suave?"She asks sweetly

"Get everyone so they hear it too."Suave chuckles, knowing her reaction in the next few minutes.

She nods and everyone gathered neatly.

Suave grins, able to tell everyone on the guest list he was handed the news at once.

"Rufous and Classique are getting married in a few weeks and everyone here is invited."Suave says

Everyone went esctatic, overjoyed for their friends and their good future. There was not an ounce of dread. Only chatter spread of all the good things ahead. Deccy approaches Suave and they only gave a glance at each other, though so much that was communicated was left unsaid. The two slipped away, enjoying a much more peaceful time in the endless library that caused Suave and others to be so well-read.

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