Chapter 54: Leo and the Way Home

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"Um, not exactly official but there is someone special. I'm just looking to see everyone again. My family...friends...Home..."I say

"I see..."He says

A few hours into chatting, I hear Error yell. I glance over to him waving as he makes his way over. I notice that he had the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. Even Dust looks surprised.

"HEy PeNtE! YoUr fAmiLy aNd LEo wAnT t0 tAlK t0 y0u."He says, walking over to us

I smile, quickly running back eagerly to do so. I see Leo still standing with the hologram open. I see Leo on the other side of the hologram, shutting the door after Ink left.

"Hey, Pente. Are you alright?"He asks

I nod, smiling wider at him.

"I have more surprises to show after being stuck here. Are you okay, Leo?"I ask

He nods.

"I'll be looking forward to that...As well as u-um...If it's okay with you, when you get back...t-that we....U-Ummm..."He stutters nervously

I caught onto what he was trying to ask and giggle, feeling my cheeks burn.

"Oh yes. I'd love to, Leo."I say

He smiles.

"G-Great! I was thinking of having us go to a nice hill to stargaze. Something simple so we could just rel-"He begins


"Pente! We must talk!"Father says, marching in

Leo awkwardly steps aside, hiding his face.

"What you did was very risky and daring! You could've been in so much danger if you got caught, which you did! You should've just stayed with us and let us ha-"He begins to lecture me

"Father, I understand your concerns and they are valid....But the consequences of inaction would've been worse. Those barnacles could've gotten anyone, including our loved ones, if I didn't make that cocoon around our homes. And if I didn't go after Suave, he'd be dead by now and the group that found us and saved us wouldn't have been able to retrieve anyone. And their home would still be in shambles. You taught me to look out for family or those in need and avoid the worst scenarios. Suave is family and though the situation was dangerous, not taking the risks would've been worse."I explain

"He has a point, Fallacy. A few, actually. You can't exactly punish him too harshly or you'd be going back on your word and teachings. Besides, you've done way more dumb acts with much higher risks without any thought."Uncle says

Father sighs, shaking his head.

"And what exactly are you doing?"He asks

"Helping Error keep disasters from happening."I say

"And what exactly are these...disasters?"He asks

"Keeping bad people from destroying the place. A gang made of alternate versions of Rufous, Cruzar, Uncle, Rufous, Horror, Killer, and Macabre. The Rufous here doesn't have his Classique and gets quite cranky from what I've seen and the version of Macabre is pathetic and pales in comparison to his character."I tell him

He counts on his hands and frowns.

"You are outnumbered! Does that Error even protect you?"He snaps

"They're weak fools in battle, Dad. Well besides the version of you, Uncle. Dust, he's smart and also has a soft spot for their version of Azure. And between Leo and Error, they can't do much. Error has powerful strings in battle and a dragon head that breathes light! And it's easy to restrain them so they can't do harm anyways."I tell him

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