Chapter 47: Love and Concerns

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Pente's POV a few weeks later
Knock knock knock!

"Coming!"Killer shouts from inside

I hear muffled squeals and yells from inside. The door opens to reveal Macabre in Killer's arms, his face a blushing mess and his eye lights spinning in his eye holes. His tentacles were still visible, hanging limply below him.

"Hello, Pente. What do you need?"Killer asks

"My father just wants to let you both know that the entire town has been completely restored, as well as the expanded walls for defenses. Now there are groups going to hunt down and round up Asgore's beasts before they cause any more damages. Kingdoms are merging so that adds some more people or visits, so be prepared to find some new faces. My father just wanted to keep you in the loop."I explain, listing the new events

The village has come a long way from the wreckage it was before. Now that Asgore is out of the picture, it was easy for Toriel and Asriel to take things over and end the war from their side. Some of Asgore's allies were quick to surrender or retreat, pulling out of the war as a whole as a result while some groups are still pushing their own forces even without Asgore's assistance for the sake of power and greed or some other reason. But none are as big as a force that Asgore was. And the camps have all been liberated or shit down and Toriel as well as my father have set aside resources for those victims and survivors to recover. There have been many searching through the records for those that were lost or killed at the camps so that they could have a proper funeral or burial or some sort of memory for them to be laid to rest where their families could get closure at. Suave has been a leading force in that specifically, his boyfriend Deccy being a leading contributor to the food bank for survivors to get proper nourishment until they get their lives back together. Just last week there was a memorial put together for any unknown victims that couldn't be found in the records that may have lost their lives in the war or the camps. There was a ton of people that gathered for that, everyone paying their respects and covering to memorial statue with flowers or different gifts from every culture or group of people possible. I have been very happy with the progress made in this aftermath of the war and have been helping in any way I can. I bring food to families, assist any disabled or handicapped survivors get around, tutor children or play with them, bring materials to build houses, or something as simple being there to listen to someone's troubles and cheer them up.

"Ah, okay. I will keep that in mind. Thank you for the updates."He says

I nod.

"Is Macabre okay?"I ask

"Killsy...."Macabre whispers, sounding dazed

"Yep, I just surprised him this morning and he has been speechless since I did it.~"He says, then pulls Macabre closer to whisper something to him

Macabre's face burns brighter and he hides his face in his hands as a reaction to whatever he said. He was still wearing his pajamas so the surprise was recent. Probably what caused the noises I heard a few moments before the door opened.

"You're still overwhelming him with affection, huh?"I say to Killer

Macabre nods his head.

"How can I not? He's my lovable boyfriend! And he reacts so adorably.~"He says

"Shut up!"Macabre squeaks

"It's true, Macabre. Do I have to remind you that again? I think I do.~"He coos

"I'll leave ya to it. Good luck, Macabre!"I chuckle

"Noooo!"A very green-faced Macabre calls out as Killer turns to walk away as he shuts the door

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