Chapter 53: Connection

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Pente's POV a week or two later

He ended up letting me start. Didn't have many other choices. We've worked together and it's been hard, but also fun in some ways. I did my best to show that I could handle it and enjoyed exploring the lands or AUs we were fixing. I worked my hardest and it made me extremely happy seeing him smile or rare compliments from him. We have been able to fix a decent amount of AUs, restoring some balance to the multiverse. We've talked and got to know a bit more about each other during that time. I gained his trust and I could see why Ink valued Error so much....I knew what those papers said about him and just the way Ink spoke about Error while he was staying in my AU told me how he felt. Error clearly values Ink a lot, wanting so badly for Ink to be okay and he'd often push questions that seem vague on the surface but he's really just fishing for info about Ink. Leo even trusted him now. But he and I both know another mission that Error is unaware to. Ink doesn't want Error to get hurt. As far as he knows, Error is still in danger. So I'll try to keep him safe until Ink returns.

But now we are fixing an AU and a strange group marched closer, starting to cause destruction and reverse our hard work. The very ground and sky shook, signaling the fragile state of the multiverse getting hurt by this AU's damages. I gaze at the group curiously, recognizing each of them. There was a tall walking octopus of goop that reminded me of Mr. Maxabre's cursed state. Beside him was his lover's alternate self, Killer. He held knives and had his recognizable target soul or tear streaks. Following them was a tall Skelton with a broken skull and glowing red eye like Mr. Horror, though had more ragged clothes with his axe. Then I see Rufous' equal, who looked like a grumpy man with a golden tooth pouting.

Guess he doesn't have his Classique...Don't underestimate him, who knows what he crafts.

Beside "Rufous" was a stranger that I recognized as Mr. Cruzar, who seemed focus and jumpy at the same time. He had a red mark on his cheek and a giant blade that stood out as it rested on his fluffy hood. Then I see the equal to my Uncle Poussière, who Error told me is named Dust and his best friend. His eyes were different colors and he wore more casual clothes, hiding under a hood, but I could see the strength or power behind his eyes. I recognized each of them and knew from Error their names here. Nightmare, Killer, Horror, Fell, Cross, and Dust. They're supposed to be a gang apparently.

Causing destruction for Nightmare to feed on negativity according to Error...What a suicide mission...Nightmare won't even get negativity if they're dead when this all collapses.

Leo growls at them and I pet him to calm him down.

"So, that's the gang huh?"I say

Error nod, Leo was hopping eagerly on my shoulder. He seemed ready to put his hostility to use.

I nod, thinking.

Hopefully they're not as dumb as their leader looks...I'm not hurting my alternate uncle.

I start running right towards them, alerting them and shocking them. I stopped when I was right in front of Dust and the rest circled around me to close me in.

"What do you want, kid?"Fell asks

"You're very bold to run to us. It's best for you to leave. So scram with your pet gecko."Nightmare says

I shrug it off, turning to look at each of them. Fell wouldn't take his hands out of his pockets. I remember Mr. Rufous's advice.

"In battle, never trust someone hiding their hands. You don't know what they hide and it may just be the thing that kills you. Be cautious."He had told me...Well, Fell is definitely getting taken down first...Cross too with that knife of his...

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