Chapter 11:The Good and Bad

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A month later, Encre's POV

Soon, we crossed the ocean and reached a port to a village. I took some of my things, including the little doll for security. I went to explore and not even an hour into my exploration of the village, a stranger grabs me. No guards were around and they restrained me from fighting back or escaping. I scream for help but nobody comes. The stranger drags me down an alley where a strange hole was. Then they pushed me into it. I land in this strange form of a village. Everything looked strange or intimidating. I broke free of the restraints and wander around. I hold the doll close to my chest.

Why did I have to be sent across the sea all alone? Sure, I wouldn't bring baby Suave here but one of my friends! Azure! Rufous! Fallacy! Just somebody so I had some security and wasn't alone. Because look where coming alone got me.

I hear laughter and it sounded childish. Like from a child. Curious, I go to it. I find a little girl playing with a ball with another two boys. Shestops when noticing me. She runs over to me with the other boys following. I back up a bit, uneased.

"Hello! You seem new around here!"She says

"W-Where is here?"I ask

"Oh! This is the Void Realm! My name is Shino and these are my brothers Raven and Goth!"She says

I get a chill down my spine hearing the word void. That has bad connections in my memory.

"Hello, sir."Raven says

"Did you come here or were forced into our realm?"Goth asks

"Goth! Why would you ask that?"Shino snaps

"He has a mark like that lady did. And we know what happened to her....She didn't willingly come here and he probably didn't either. They might even be related."Goth says

"He is right. I was forced into this realm.......Who is that lady you mentioned?"I reply

"Lady Eliza. She was forced down here and didn't have the best time here.....But then Fallacy came and spoke with Father and found her! He got her out of trouble and back home!"Shino says

"That's my mother...."I say

So this is where she was all those years.....And she had a bad experience....Oh dear.....

"What is your name?"Raven asks

"Encre."I say

"What's the doll for?"He asks

"Oh, it is a gift from someone special and holding onto it gives me a small sense of safety. Is that stupid or childish of me?"I say with a slight laugh

"No, completely understandable."He says

"Wait, this is the Encre that Father was talking about! Let's go tell him that Encre is here!"Goth says, running off with the ball

"Wait up, Goth!"The two shout

As they run off, I feel two hands grip me tightly. Their grip burns into me, literally.

"So, you're her kid? Hmmm, we never finished what we started with her now did we boys?"A voice says coldly behind me

"Nope."Four other voices say

"Let's finish it off with you."The first voice says

I scream for help and Shino turns around. She gasps and shouts to her brothers. I see her debate on wether she should go to me or to her brothers. She clearly gets an idea.


I get pulled away into this big broken-down house. This started a new cycle of life. It felt like days passed.

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