Chapter 15:Love is Timeless

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Weeks of dealing with Issac later

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Weeks of dealing with Issac later

"Dear Asgore, you are so petty and childish."I say, shaking my head as he brags about himself

He grins. I frown, unable to move.

"Damn right I am pretty!"He says

"I said you're petty. Get it right."I say

He looks shocked, then glances at me.

"How are you not in love with me?"He asks

"Hmmm, maybe it's because you KIDNAPPED and have been nothing but an annoyance this whole time! I am not much of a Stockholm Syndrome person. Make much sense?"I snap

He frowns.

"When will you-?"He begins

"I've already told you the answer is never."I say

"Hmmm, now what do I do with you? Making you a werewolf didn't work so maybe.....Hmmm...."He says

He grabs me and drags me away. He puts me in a weird room, injecting me a few times with unknown chemicals.

"Heh, you will never see anyone again.  If you can't love me, nobody will love you or see you again."He says

I pass out moments later, but my soul kept beating.


The chemicals change Encre's mind and form. Then it froze him. But it was not the end as Issac had planned. Not even close. Encre had casted some spells that would only go away when he wants them to or he dies. And he is not going to die anytime soon.

He did not wish for his friends or other innocent people to be put in danger by morons or beast hunters, so he used protection spells. Elsewhere, magical domes rose over the vampire castle. Felicia looks outside and was shocked to see such a sight outside her window. She assumed Jasper was tricking her again, but when she looked around, her nephew was nowhere to be found. She reached out to touch the dome, and it did not hurt her. It tickled here even. She saw hunters come running towards her with torches and pitchforks, taking the chance of her brother's absence to attack. But the dome between them knocked them back, burning them horribly while Felicia stood on the other side, perfectly okay. Other beasts in their village were discovering this as well, amazed to witness a dome close up above them. Time seemed to stand still. And, truth be told, it did for them since Encre never could complete the spells.













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