Chapter One:The Painter's Encounters

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Encre's POV

"Come on....Come on....Come on!"I mutter quietly

I watch the sun go down. 

"YES!"I cheer, then cover my mouth

My home-mate did not wake up luckily. And by home-mate I mean a friend that lives with me like a room mate but with an entire house.

I wait a few hours to be safe. I step out of my home and walk through the village. I knock on the library door four times. The librarian Phillip opens the door. He gestures for me to enter quickly. I come in and he shuts the door, then all the windows' curtains. He takes me downstairs.

"My source got us new books."He says, unlocking a secret room under the library

We go inside and books are piled high all around us.

"He found a jackpot."He says

"Wow! I can't wait to read them!"I say, astounded by the amount of books

"Let's get to it!"Phillip says

We take books from the piles and get to reading.

Now, why are we sneaking off to read BOOKS of all things in the middle of the night? Well these are no ordinary books. These are history books with vampires. Books about vampires, werewolves and other so-called beasts. The sources to knowledge that is banned to have across the kingdom.If found with this knowledge, it could lead to prison time or death. But why are we doing this with those risks? Well, you cannot limit knowledge. Someone is bound to get curious about the unknown. And we are those people. I do not believe that they are truly beasts as others do. There are more than one side to a story, so I'm sure there is more to the story than them just being "savages", "beasts", or "villains". I would not be surprised if they see my village in a bad way as well. So, we learn whatever knowledge there is out there about them, to try and see what truths can be told. Trying to meet a vampire is too dangerous. They come every Blood Moon and kill or wound over half the village. Anyone who goes in their village hardly come out alive and if caught trying to go in there is MORE JAIL TIME.

We read as many books as we can. Then we realize it's nearly sunrise. I tuck some books to finish in a picnic basket, covered by a sketchbook. He locks the room and I leave, wishing each other good luck and good fortune. You never know when you might get caught.

I stroll through the village, glancing at the stars or checking my surroundings casually. Can't attract attention or look out of place. But that's easy for me as a painter. My allibi is being out at night to sketch the night sky. It changes every night after all, so I can use that excuse often. But something caught my eye. 

To my right was a stranger that I haven't seen in my village before. It was hard not to see them with their bright pink and orange cloak shining under the sinking moon's light. Maybe in the day it wouldn't have caught my eye but with how dark it was outside, this fellow was easy to spot.

This fellow comes over to me and the closer they got, the more I could tell about them. They is a little boy, so a he. He is a black skeleton with a shining golden smile. His eyes were pink with dazzling eye-lights and orange triangles by his eyes. He looks around in amazement and curiosity as he approaches me. He is certainly new here.

"Hello, sir. Is this your village? It's very cool."He says

"Yes, this is my village. I am guessing you are new here."I say

He nods.

"I am not let outside that often. How could you tell?"He asks

"You don't exactly blend in that well."I say

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