Chapter 46:Macabre's Confrontation

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Macabre's POV days later

"Have you heard the news?"One of my neighbors say

"What?"Another says

"Asgore and his allies are finally getting pushed back! The allies are finally getting the upper hand! There might be hope for this war to end!"The first says

I go back inside my home, shaking my head at those sentiments. Asgore and his allies are not to be trusted. It could be a trap. I sigh, knowing that everyone knows that too. Still, after everything they went through they want some sort of hope. And I'm certainly not going to be the one to stop them from having dreams.

I set my things down, storing away the things I got from the market. I glance at my calendar to see what may be coming up. My hands drop to my sides.

.....Fucking shit.

Marked on the calendar with a big red circle was in two days from now a date marked CURSE RETURN.

And this is why I don't set my hopes too high. I HATE Fredrick....

I check my cabinets for the elixir but find that I was fresh out.

Shit...I should've stayed in that isolated cabin where I was with Cruzar....Maybe I could go back there until this blows over.

I tear the page off of the calendar, crumpling it up and tossing it away. I hear a knock at the door and open it to find Killer standing there with a smile at me. He's my...neighbor and best bud. One whom I've had...feelings for. We've gotten close like we were before Fredrick's "interference" but it doesn't change that I lose control every 3 years unless I take a rare elixir. I've kept it hidden from him, cautious with my wording, timing and actions. The last thing I want is for him to freak out about Fredrick's lasting impact. Or worse, for me to lose control and hurt him. I've sort of kept him at arm's lenth, holding back from even thinking of being more. Because that would just bring him closer to me and put him at greater risk.

"Hi, Macabre! How are you doing today?"He says

I could hear Dream in my head already.

"After all of this is said and done, you should tell him how you feel.~" He says. Well I can't exactly do that when I'm a ticking stick of dynamite that could hurt him!

"I'm..good."I say

"Would you like to join me outside?"He asks

Kill,kill,kill, kill!

I shake away the dark thoughts, refusing to do so but unsettled that it has returned to that degree so soon. I see him standing there, waiting for a response.

I need to grab what I can and go before I lose control completely.

"S-Sure.."I say

He smiles, taking me by the hand and taking me outside with the door shutting behind me. I stroll with him to a park, letting him do most of the talking. We sit down on a park bench not too far from the gardens and farms that the camp tends to. He grips my hand tightly between us as he talks on and on about random things catching his interest.

I glance at him with a smile but then see him without his head and his soul hovering in front of his bleeding chest.



I physically jolted with the thoughts creating that horrific sight.

Why not? Why can't we kill this one?

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