Chapter 52: A Different World

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Pente's POV

A giant lifts me up to examine me once my way home shut. I clutch the papers close to me, seeing a huge knife in their other hand.

"Where am I? What do you want?"I ask

"Hmm...You'll do. Let's see what the chances are of you surviving out there."They say

Another portal opens and they toss me through. I tumbled over, rolling across a rough, rocky ground. I sat up and check myself quickly, finding that I wasn't a human anymore. I'm back to normal....But who knows where I am. I look around and it looked like I was in the middle of nowhere. I could feel my body tremble, scared of what could be meant by those words. How dangerous is this place that they sent me? And why? Who are they?

"HelLO, lItTle bOy."A voice says from behind me

I turn around, seeing a tall black skeleton looking like my Uncle Papyrus, Uncle Azure's brother. Except he was fizzling and constantly glitching. His gaze and smile unsettled me. I quickly back away.

"Who are you? What do you want?"I snap, hugging the papers close to my chest

"I'm E!PaP. I sAw yOu gEt dRoPpEd In aNd wAnt To mAkE suRe yOu'rE oKaY. CoMe oN, yOu lOok loSt. lEt mE tAkE yoU soMewHerE sAfe."He says, extending his hand to me

I recognize that name. Ink mentioned him and said he is not to be trusted. He was the one that pushed Ink into a trap when he was trying to help get his friends to safety. I back away, shaking my head.

"Stay away from me! Don't touch me!"I snap

"WhAt? KiD I aM jUst tRyIng tO-"He begins

"Lies! You're trying to trick me! I've heard about you! When my back is turned you'll hurt me just like you hurt Ink! You never look to help, just to judge or cause trouble! Ink told me so! Now stay back before I make you!"I growl at him

Then the whole world seemed to shake at the mention of Ink. The skies brightened up and seemed to glow. E!Pap looks shocked.

"He'S sTiLl aLiVe?"He asks

"Yes, no thanks to you! You nearly got him killed!"I snap

He looks around as the world seems to glow.

"He'S baCk...ThE bAlaNce iS beIng rEsTorEd."He mumbles

I feel my cheek get nuzzled and look to see the dragon part of Leo had stayed with me and climbed onto my shoulder to comfort me. I smile a bit. Then a figure rolling towards us in the distance. As he got closer, he looked more recognizable. I gasp, seeing a strong resemblance to Suave. The Suave look-alike wore much brighter clothes with fingerless gloves and black glasses over his eyes that had letters written on them saying YOLO. He rides on a board with wheels, then kicks it up and hops off, holding it with one hand.

"Heyo, little brodude! Haven't seen you 'round here before, so what's your dealio? Your name?"He asks with a smile

"I'm Pente...I got thrown in here by a giant gray and yellow stranger with portals...Where's here?"I say quietly

"This is a pacifist UnderSwap AU, yo! A nice place to land!"He says, his glasses changing to say NICE.

I stare at him in awe. What strange magic he must have on those to make them change. I notice he doesn't have a second set of arms like Suave....Odd. What does he mean by AU? UnderSwap? I don't understand....

"You still there, lil dude?"He asks

I snap out of my thoughts and smile.

"S-Sorry...You just remind me of someone...You look so much like him. W-Who are you? What's an AU?"I ask

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