Chapter 3:First Meet

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A month later, Encre's POV

Décans just left to travel to the town miles away where he wroks. There is a knock at the back door. I thought it may be Jasper or Suave. I step outside, only to find Prince Issac out there to greet me. He wraps his arms around me before I could go back in. He leans close and I push his face away.

"Leave me alone!"I snap

"Aww, give me a chance!"He says

"Last time I did that you got me sick and didn't take no for an answer!"I say

"Guess I have to use more spells to try and make you like the girls that fall for me."He says

"But I am a guy! Not a girl! Leave me alone! Go after them!"I say

"No, they're too easy."He says

He snaps his fingers twice. I kick him to the ground and block myself inside, making sure he could not get in. Then, the entire month that I was sick repeated itself. One day Azure came in while I was puking, then ran back out. He didn't contact me for the rest of the month. But Rufous came. And when he did, he gave me an idea on what happened. 

"Fuck! So that's what the people are talking about! He used another spell on you Encre! That son of a bitch! I am gonna kill him!"He snaps

"Huh?"I ask

Apparently I was turned to a human girl. Azure walked right in on it but instead of keeping it private, he told a friend of his, a fellow guard. Next thing you know, that news spread like wildfire. Since I helped most of the people in the village, I have a good impression with them. So they were angry with the prince and now petitioning to King Asgore to kick this jerk out. But then there are always those people who entertain themselves with mockery. They started calling me names, rude names, behind my back and spreading rumors. Rufous has been stopping them since he was the most intimidating and feared person in the village. He hugs me, then Décans came walking in. Rufous explains everything. Décans got SO MAD. He started baking to let out his anger, then set something up. He left good pastries in a basket on every good person's doorstep. Anyone causing trouble got bad pastries. Each had a note explaining who left it and why. Azure even got a bad one for breaking privacy rules and common sense.

Then the two left to do something they told me nothing about.

Night came and I felt my sickness go away. I check myself and find that I'm a skeleton again. I recall that when I kicked Issac he was stopped him from snapping a third time. He did not complete it. I kept track of this over the next few days. He did not do the spell correctly or completely, so now I am stuck being human by day and skeleton by night.

Jasper and Suave would come to visit. I explained the situation to them. Suave held back the urge to find the prince and slap him. Jasper on the other hand said he was lucky that him doing what he wants would break the peace between beasts and monsters. Still, they have my back and helped me in any way they could. I didn't know how to thank them. I introduced them to Décans and Rufous. 

"Huh, guess you are right. We aren't so different. We're all outcasts somehow but we all love you and have your back."Rufous says

I smile, nodding.

A few days later, there was a panicked knock at my door. It is at the middle of the night. I come to the door and open it. I am all alone at home again. There on my front steps was the same fella that came to the giving stand. I recognized his mask and jacket or cloak with a hood over an eye. But he is wounded badly.

 But he is wounded badly

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