Chapter 40

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(Chapter 40)

(Jesse POV)
 I tossed out my cigarette as I got off the phone with the hotel, I had reservations for today and I had to make a few last minute changes. Tonight is going to be good, well at least I hope it will be as long as she fine and as long as nothing comes up everything will go as planned. I sighed and opened the door into the office again.
“You can come back if you want,” Hayley mumbled as she came out the bathroom. She had another doctors appointment today and she had a appointment with the psychiatrist. She’s making great progress so far.

“You sure,” I asked slowly, last time I went back she didn’t want me there. She nodded quickly making me grin.

“He’s just doing a quick follow up,” she explained walking back I followed behind her until she reached the exam room. She went over to the table and sat on it with a smile.
“I’m sorry,” she said I raised my eyebrow as she touched her stomach
“I don’t want to put you in this position especially since you’re dating Brook and I know this is a lot and I’m very grateful for your support, but you don’t have to do this Jesse I can manage on my own,” I rolled my eyes I don’t know how many times I have to tell her that I’m fine with this situation.
“I can support you Hayley, I have no problem supporting you, I have more than enough money, plus you’ll need my help, I’ll even invest in a car for you if you want,” I said not that I trust her driving, I’ve seen her drive her car and she drives worse than me.
“No, no, I’m fine, I have a car and thank you, I don’t think I’ll be able to do this without someone’s support,” she mumbled I laughed and kissed her forehead as the doctor came in. He looked between the two of us.
“We’re only checking on the baby, so you can lay back and lift your shirt up,” he instructed while sitting down. Hayley laid back and slowly lifted her shirt, I smiled at her little bump below her belly button.
“Stress is it better,” he asked looking directly at me I frowned and took hold of Hayley’s hand.
“Yes and she’s eating better,” I said glancing at her as she groaned while glaring at me. So she might not like all of the food I fix, but I try to make is a flavorful as I can.
“Can I eat chocolate, peanut butter and other things,’ She asked looking from me to him as he laughed a little and squirted the stuff on her stomach.
“Yes and no,” I smirked as Hayley smile turned down.
“But if you’re having cravings you can eat it in portions, don’t go over board, but generally I think you’ll be fine if you indulge every once in awhile,” After he finished his statement she gave me a triumphant look while I rolled my eyes.
“And here is the baby, everything looks perfect,” He said I turned to the screen seeing the little peanut and smiled. I never really went to my mom’s ultrasounds when she was pregnant, but its kind of cool.
“I’ll print some out while you clean up,” he left out leaving us alone. I grabbed a wet wipe and wiped her stomach off as she continued to look at the snapshot on the screen.
“Do you think I can do this on my own?” She asked gently while sitting up and pulling her shirt down.
“You won’t be by yourself you’ll have me. I already told you that I would support you because the baby is related to me and you’re my friend, I won’t leave you hanging in the air or anything, I’ll be here for you whenever you need me and of course you’ll live with me,” I explained I already have everything planned out for her, I’m not sure how her parents will react, but if its bad I’ll allow her to move in permanently with me, I already have an apartment all I have to do is clean out the second bedroom and I’m upgrading to a three bedroom apartment closer to home or the city soon, so I guess she can have the two rooms.
“I can’t allow you to do that,” She started off but I stood up and ignored her.
“I don’t care what you won’t allow me to do; I’m going to do it anyway. I don’t mind helping you, I actually want to help you and my nephew or niece, now get up,” I said pulling her up, she stumbled into my chest frowning at me as I chuckled and kissed her forehead.
“Say thank you,” I teased watching her face turn red as she huffed and left out leaving me laughing as I followed after her. Once we’re finished here I’ll drop her off and get ready for the date with Brooke.

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