Chapter 8

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Chapter 8.
All outfits are on the side....

(Jesse POV)

I had dropped Hayley off back at her house almost 4 hours ago, it was kind of weird though we’re both trying to figure what the hell is going on, the feeling wasn’t a bad one it was a neutral one, I’m really can’t describe it and neither could Hayley.

“Jesse pay attention” Brook said I sighed looking at her we’ve been working all day on this project its actually around six o-clock I’m leaving at seven or eight to go to Hayley’s house for the cook out thing she was talking about I think it already started but she’s most likely hiding in her room.

“I am let’s take a short break then we get back to it,” I suggested she looked tired anyways, she glanced at me and nodded.

“How long” I shrugged looking at my watch

“Half an hour” I stood up and stretch before I went inside and in the living room I plopped down on the couch turning the T.V. I have to find something to wear tonight and I didn’t want to wear a suit even though I had a plenty of them in my closet.

“Jesse can we talk” Brook asked sitting down next to me I smirked and glanced at her.
“You’re finally taking me up on my offer” she glared at me and shook her head.
“No, I’m not” She hissed making me chuckle

“Then we don’t have anything to talk about” I mumbled turning back to the T.V the soccer game was on and I wanted to watch it, I grabbed the remote and turned it up.

“Jesse seriously can we just talk for a minute” She said I rolled my eyes and turned to her.
“What Brook” I asked she frowned at me while I raised my eyebrow at her, waiting for her to speak I sighed turning the T.V down.

“You have my full attention now” she was still frowning at me I sighed again turning around fully to face her.
“I just want us to be friends again or at least neutral,” She mumbled, why now, I looked at her tilting my head to the side before I reached out and touched her face she frowned at my hand I laughed to my self as she pushed my hand away.

“I don’t know Brook we don’t know each other anymore” I said telling her the truth before turning back to the T.V she was frowning right now.

“We can get to know each other again,” She said making me laugh at her.

“I already asked you and you turned me down, so no,” I could see her glaring at me from the corner of my eye.

“I’m trying to put an effort into this Jesse,” I chuckled turning to her

“Alright but one condition” I said she raised her eyebrow at me.

“Go on” She mumbled I smirked.

“You count it as a date and we have fun afterwards,” I finished she glared at me.
“You know what forget I don’t want to know you, I rather have the old Jessica back at least I knew she wasn’t an asshole like you” She said I frowned before I stood up while her violet eyes pierced through me, I hated when people said that, when they had no clue what happened.

“Well I’m sorry Brook people change and the old Jessica is dead, ” I hissed she was taken back for a second before she replied back.
“Then I think this one should die off too” I looked at her a little hurt, I know she didn’t like me but damn she didn’t have to take it that far, she was frowning at me before she face fell in surprise as if she didn’t believe the words that came out her mouth.

“Jesse I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that” she stood up and I shook my head chuckling.
“It’s fine you wouldn’t be the first one to wish for my death,” I laughed bitterly “Maybe you’ll be lucky and get your wish” I watched her face turned to shock before she shook her head.
“Jesse” She started I held up my hand shaking my head again.

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