Christmas Break (Final)

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Christmas Break (Final)

On Christmas Eve, Riddle Manor was filled with activity. With Tom's permission of course.

Hadrian knew the man would never admit it, but he was actually enjoying himself. The inner circle Death Eaters as well as Hadrian and his friends enjoyed a brilliant breakfast prepared by Narcissa with the help of the elves.

They played a few games of Quidditch, which Tom won every time somehow and Hadrian made the others swear not to bring it up again, exploding snap and had a wizard Chess tournament which ended in Tom and Ron facing off. Ron won and Tom actually complimented him since no one had beaten him in wizard chess before.

Even Tadeus looked impressed.

Then they had a dueling tournament, which ended in Tom and Hadrian facing off. The raven had actually beaten Bellatrix and she was completely annoyed by this, saying he had gotten lucky and that she wanted a rematch later. Tom won, of course, though he praised Hadrian for his knowledge of spells and elements for someone so young.

Then Narcissa made dinner and things began to slow down. Hadrian, Draco and Tom opened their presents (the others would open theirs whenever they left the Christmas Ball) with their friends and Tom's subjects watching.

Tom received quite a few books from the Death Eaters, an expensive quill from Narcissa, several different expensive and deadly potions from Severus; each ranging in just how dangerous they were, a dragon egg from Charlie, an entirely new wardrobe from Lucius, apparently the Dark Lord didn't like wearing the same thing twice and Hadrian hadn't even noticed until he realized that whenever he saw Tom, the man was never in the same outfit. The raven laughed about this for so long, Tom uttered in a fairly annoyed voice, ~If you keep that up, I might just have to spank you.~

However he had forgotten that Sirius was also a parselmouth and it was comical to watch the man sputter over his words as Remus held him back from trying to castrate the Dark Lord. The man just smirked. Smug bastard.

Sirius had gotten Tom a book on wizarding laws pertaining to engagements with someone of a younger age and the Dark Lord gave him a blank stare, the others laughing.

From Hadrian he received the Black Family signet ring as well as several books written in parsel. Hadrian thought the man liked his cloak the most because he wouldn't stop staring over at it. It would most likely be the only thing in his wardrobe that he wore twice. The cloak, which he had Madam Malkin make, was a deep, emerald green that shone slightly as Tom moved. It had the Slytherin crest stitched into the back and was stitched with specific protection wards and spells.

If he were to pull the hood up, he would go invisible, an idea Hadrian got from his own cloak that Sirius gifted him.

Bellatrix had gifted him one of her favorite daggers. It was also the dagger that she had used in torturing Longbottom's parents. Tom knew of it and ever since he had known Bellatrix, she had never missed a target with it. He assured her he would use it when he got the chance.

Draco had gifted him the other Malfoy family signet bracelet, as well as a tome on Merlin Emrys. The book was extremely hard to find and cost quite a bit of the Malfoy's fortune. Lucius would have been furious, if not for the fact that he knew his Lord would adore the gift.

Draco opened his presents next.

From his parents he received one of their estates in France that they didn't use, from Bellatrix he received a magical brush. The bristles never stuck together or broke off. She said he could use it for his hair, or for Solaris if he wanted. Hadrian thought the blonde looked far too happy about that.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now