Awake at Last

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Awake at Last

For quite some time, two weeks exactly, the school had been dull.

Classes continued on as usual and the amount of dementors surrounding the school, dwindled. More and more urgent letters were being sent to Dumbledore's office, all from wary and angry parents.

Michael Crumbley made sure that the ministry, as well as any parents on the board of education knew exactly what happened to Hadrian under Dumbledore's "watchful eye".

They were less than pleased.

If the Heir of an Ancient and Noble House could be poisoned by a criminal within Hogwarts' walls, what else could happen? What would happen to their own children? The parents were starting to suggest that Dumbledore be taken out of his position.

That was fine with Hadrian's friends..however, they had become awfully depressed without the raven.

Draco especially.

Tom would not speak to him, he didn't even attempt to open their bond. Whenever Draco tried, he would receive extreme backlash, Tom forcing him out of his mind so hard he'd have head aches, sometimes it was like he was being burned. The man wanted nothing to do with him at that moment.

The blonde never left Hadrian's side. When Ron or the others attempted to get him to eat, he would get angry and yell, sometimes he wouldn't respond at all. Other times, Solaris chased them away, not liking her Master's distress.

Anubis and Isis took turns watching after both the blonde and the raven, but they did have to leave to eat or keep their eyes on Dumbledore. They wouldn't want him trying something else.

Remus and Severus often took turns trying to get Draco to go to class or at least sleep more. But it was to no avail. One of his mates was wounded and the other was shunning him.

They understood that the best thing they could do for Draco, was make sure Hadrian was doing well. And he was. His magic was stronger than ever and he was healthy despite being asleep, but that was all they could do. He had to wake on his own.

And finally, he did.

It was a Monday morning and Draco was swaying in his seat, his grey eyes heavy and his stomach snarling at him, but he ignored it. Trying to keep his eyes open just in case...

Hadrian awakened to silence.

That much told him something was wrong. Then there was the fact that he felt extremely sore for some reason. His mouth was basically glued shut but he did feel oddly well rested.

What had happened?

He slowly opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings, then sat up slowly.

~Master!~ came the exclamation and Hadrian raised a brow as both Anubis and Isis proceeded to coddle him, Anubis nudging him affectionately while Isis tightened around his wrist, almost as if she were trying to hug him.

~Anubis, Isis..what's going on? I haven't been asleep that long, have I?~ he hissed back, not noticing the wide eyed, teary eyed stare aimed his way from Draco. The blonde looked as if he might faint as he stared at the raven.

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