Better be...

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Better be...

McGonagall placed the hat down on Hadrian's head, the brim obscuring the raven's vision, and all was silent.

'Ah, what do we have here? Hadrian interesting mind you have. Interesting indeed.' mused the hat in Hadrian's head and the boy raised a brow. This hat had somehow gotten past his Occlumencey shields. How interesting.

'You are brave and bold, like your father yet smart like your mother. You have the loyal soul of Remus Lupin but the ambition and cunning of Severus Snape...where to put you..? Your father was a Gryffindor, though your family is known for Slytherin. Your mother was a Ravenclaw as was Remus but Severus is a Slytherin. Hmm..any preference?' it said and Hadrian chuckled darkly.

If you even think of putting me in Gryffindor, Dumbledore will have to replace you.

'My, my. Spoken like a true Slytherin. I should have expected as much, with who you are to that fellow. Sirius was supposed to be in Slytherin ya know. But he wanted to prove that even a Gryffindor could be smart, cunning and ambitious. So that's where I placed him. Anyhow.

Better be...


There was scattered applause from all around, a strange tension in the air. The Slytherin, however, clapped and cheered, the twins yelling from their end of the table, "We got Black! We got Black!"

It seemed as if the other Houses were unsure of how to react. The Blacks were known to be in Slytherin, but Sirius Black had been a Gryffindor. Of course he turned dark but he had been James Potter's best friend. A light, Gryffindor.

The boy stood, placing the hat on the stool and approaching the Slytherin table, his robes becoming emerald and silver. He took the seat between the twins and smiled when they each kissed his cheeks.

"Bones, Susan!"

The sorting continued on with an annoying amount of blood traitors and mudbloods being sorted. That mudblood, Hermione Granger, was placed in Gryffindor as was Frank Longbottom.

"Lestrange, Neville!" there were hisses all around but Neville ignored it as he marched up to the stool and sat down. McGonagall placed the hat onto his head.

'Mr. Lestrange. It's been quite some time since I've sorted someone from your family. Quite ambitious you, loyal. Your mother was a Slytherin as were your father and his brother. I think that settles it then.

Better be...

SLYTHERIN!" there was polite applause all around, all but from the Gryffindors, who were glaring daggers at the boy as he took a seat beside George. "Alright there Nev?" asked the elder Slytherin and Neville smiled. "Perfect." he didn't want to be anywhere Hadrian wasn't.

"Malfoy, Draco!" the blonde swaggered up to the stool, Hadrian's lips twitching with an amused smile. The hat had barely touched his head when it shouted, "SLYTHERIN!" there was loud applause from the Slytherin table and the blonde smirked as he made his way to their table.

Fred moved over slightly and Draco took his place at Hadrian's side, Solaris slinking under the table and sitting beside Draco's feet.

Theo joined them next along with Pansy Parkinson who tried to speak with Draco, but one look from Hadrian and she immediately went silent. A few sorts later and it was finally Ron's turn.

"Weasley, Ronald!" the red head stood, looking nervous as he approached the stool. He sat down and McGonagall placed the hat down. He hoped he would get Slytherin or at least Ravenclaw. He couldn't disappoint Hadrian and he couldn't be a Gryffindor. He wanted friends and he wanted to be accepted. He was different from his family. If he was placed in Gryffindor..

'Ah. What a mind. What a mind, Mr. Weasley. I haven't sorted a Weasley with a mind this complex since your great grandfather, Septimus Weasley. Though he was a Gryffindor he was extremely intelligent. He even caught the eye of a Black. You seem to have the same luck..'

That's a good thing, right? he thought wearily. It still didn't seem that he would be good anywhere but Gryffindor. His entire family had been in Gryffindor but the twins. Even Bill and Charlie and they were intelligent and successful.

'Indeed. I would do well in Ravenclaw with the right work ethic but you are extremely ambitious. You want to impress young Hadrian and his friends. Prove yourself. So..

Better be...


Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now