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To Hadrian's annoyance, their first class of that day was Charms. Not that he didn't like the subject, he did. Narcissa was a good teacher, but most of their classes were with Gryffindor and this was the first they had with the loud and rowdy house.

"What did your parents say, Ron?" questioned Draco as the group of Slytherin made their way to Ravenclaw tower. The Gryffindors were somewhere behind them, they knew because they were making such a racket in all their excitement.

Ron shrugged at this, though because he was only just learning the basics of a pureblood Slytherin, his mask was incomplete and Hadrian could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Mum was disappointed. Dad was kind of.. awkward. But Bill and Charlie were okay with it. Bill sent me some money to save for later and Charlie sent me some sweets. Percy won't look at me and Ginny sent me an angry letter too." said the red head and Hadrian gave him a reassuring smile, causing the boy to straighten up at that.

"Don't worry about the rest of your family. You still have us and the twins. You're a Slytherin Ron. Act like it." he said and Ron nodded, smiling. He felt better with Hadrian's words. Neville was frowning but nodded. "Yeah. We take care of our own." said the grey eyed male and Theo snorted. "How hard was it for you to say that?" the others laughed and Neville shot them annoyed glares but said nothing.

They entered the Charms room a few seconds later and took the seats at the front of the room on the left side. Hadrian was in the center with Draco and Neville on either side of him while Blaise sat behind Draco, Theo behind Neville and Ron behind Hadrian.

Solaris took her spot at Draco's heels and the blonde reached down to pet her lightly. The Gryffindors entered next, flopping into their seats and talking excitedly.

Professor Flitwick appeared, standing on a stack of books and Draco snorted.

"Welcome class, to Charms!" started Flitwick then went into an explanation of the class. "Swish and flick! And repeat after me, wingardium leviosa!" the class did as they were told, then Flitwick ordered them to try the spell on their own.

"Wingardium leviosar!" shouted Longbottom from across the room, flicking his wand repeatedly and Draco snickered, Hadrian sighing. "It's leviosa not leviosar. And you should probably stop waving your wand like that. You'll poke Granger's eye out." he yawned, causing the Slytherin side to erupt in laughter as Longbottom glared at the raven.

"Well if you're so bloody smart, you do it!" he retorted and Hadrian shrugged, picking up his wand and leveling it to the feather on his desk. "Wingardium leviosa." he said and there were gasps from the Gryffindors as the feather flew up into the air and floated around the Slytherin side.

"Look! Mr. Black's done it! Ten points to Slytherin." beamed Flitwick and Hadrian smirked as Granger and Longbottom glowered at him.

By the end of the class only the rest of the Slytherins and Granger had managed it, though her feather stayed level with her eyes, much to her obvious annoyance.

"What did she expect, being a mudblood and all." said Draco, his voice loud enough for Granger to hear, as they were all heading to Transfiguration. The girl huffed, glaring at the blonde. "I'm just as much of a wizard as you Malfoy!" she bit out and Hadrian made a face.

"I can say you are definitely better than Longbottom, the disgrace of a wizard, but you could never dream of matching my Dragon. The fact that you would even compare yourself to him is laughable." he said, his friends snickering as Granger's face reddened further than they thought possible.

She looked as if she wanted to say more, but they were already entering the classroom.

The Slytherins sat down quietly and the Gryffindors sat down, talking excitedly. There was a strangely spotted cat on the desk, but no McGonagall.

"They've gotten lost already?" muttered Neville, annoyed when ten minutes had passed and Longbottom and another boy, Dean Thomas, he thought his name was, hadn't showed up. "Did you actually believe they wouldn't?" uttered Draco, scratching Solaris' ears fondly.

"I could understand Potions but the class that's held in their own tower?" snorted Theo and there was silence as Longbottom and Thomas finally rushed in. "She's not- AH!" screamed Thomas as the cat landed on the floor before them in the form of McGonagall.

The class laughed and McGonagall immediately glared at them, causing them to go silent.

"Longbottom, Thomas. You're late." she stated and Longbottom looked pale as he said, "We had trouble with the stairs ma'am."

"I'm giving you a warning. The next time you are late you will receive detention and a deduction of five points each. Take your seats." said McGonagall and the boys sat down quickly. Hadrian had to admit that the elder which seemed fair. For a light wizard.

Like Charms, the Gryffindor Head of House went into an explanation of the class then ordered them to turn a match into a needle.

It had barely been a minute when Hadrian raised his hand. "Professor, I think I've got it." he said and held back a smirk at Granger's wide eyes. "Well, let's see.." said McGonagall, approaching his desk. He held up the needle for her to see and she took it in her hand, balancing it on her fingers. She then pressed her finger tip to it and raised a brow when she spotted blood.

"Excellent. It's exactly how a real needle would be, including sharpness. Ten points to Slytherin." she said with a smile, her eyes softening slightly and Hadrian wondered if that was because of his father. Severus mentioned that Sirius had been excellent in Transfiguration.

"Thank you professor." said the raven and decided to help those around him until the class ended.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now