Care For Magical Creatures (Charlie)

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Care For Magical Creatures (Charlie)

"This did you get this approved so quickly?" breathed Charlie Weasley, his brown eyes wide with astonishment, skimming through the parchment Lucius Malfoy had just delivered to him personally. The new Care For Magical Creatures professor and Inferno member was getting his course work together when Lucius entered his office, smiling brightly. A sight no light wizard could boast seeing.

The document in question was a new law. Magical creatures of all sorts, besides Dementors and a few other very dangerous creatures, were now allowed in and on Hogwarts grounds. They were also allowed in normal wizarding households so long as both parents were wizards themselves. Muggleborns could not have certain pets or even companions until they were of the age (in wizarding terms) to move out on their own as it was too risky to let those creatures into a muggle home. Familiars were an exception to that rule.

Because of this, the ministry had sent several highly trained wizards to build a seperate building for the Care of Magical Creatures class entirely, though connected to the main building for the ease of the students.

"This law is being proposed in other parts of Europe and the wizarding world as well. It has been approved in Bulgaria and when Dumbledore raised concerns, the ministry immediately waved him off. Saying how they remembered as children when magical creatures were everywhere, only being now hidden because of the spread of muggles. Hogwarts is a magical place, hidden and because of this it is only appropriate that magical creatures should be allowed here. Soon the Dark Forest will be accessible to all students so long as they have a professor or an older student with them but they will not be allowed in at night." explained the Malfoy patriarch, watching as Charlie processed this bit of information.

"When will the building be done?" he finally asked, looking up at Lucius, to which the latter smiled. "It's nearly done already. They've been working on it since last night when the schools arrived. They wanted it done before classes started. We can go see it if you'd like." said Lucius, motioning toward the door and Charlie stood quickly, his brown eyes alight with excitement.

"I believe the building itself will have two seperate floors as well as magical rooms dedicated to certain creatures that are only active at night. The upper half will be home to several dragons that the ministry has chosen specifically and the bottom will be open for most other creatures. Your classroom is there and there will be personal quarters for you there until the school year ends. Should you choose to stay, you may." continued Lucius, the two leaving his office early that morning. The students were yet to awaken but Charlie could hear that the ghosts as well as a few professors were out and about.

Remus himself spotted the duo on their trek and joined them, smiling warmly.

"Good morning Lucius, Charlie. Eager to see the Care building?" he commented, sipping warm tea from the black mug he held. "Indeed. You seem curious yourself." stated Lucius, noting the twinkle in Remus' warm eyes. "I am. We never had such a place in our year. It would have been grand then." responded the wolf and Lucius nodded in agreement.

Their steps were fairly quick, trying to keep up with the eager strides of Charlie, Lucius taking the lead as they neared the quidditch pitch. He turned away from the large area and soon they were out on open grass, Charlie's eyes wide and a gasp escaping his lips when he stopped just in front of the new building. "Merlin." breathed Remus, staring up at the building and even Lucius seemed impressed as he nodded slowly.

The building itself was made up of a darker stone than Hogwarts itself, the top half having no roof. Instead it was completely open and the trio could see large rafters and perches along with separate spaces where Charlie assumed the dragons would be able to sit and rest or even communicate with each other. The room was not made of glass, instead having a sort of charm where the room was still very visible on the outside but solid on the inside.

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