A Dark Lord

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A Dark Lord

"And you say you're having trouble?" commented Tom, running his fingers through the raven's hair as he examined the egg closely, brows scrunched in frustration.

Hadrian nodded and huffed, glancing up at his Consort.

He was seated in the man's lap, Tom having snuck his way into the Slytherin common room a few weeks later to congratulate the boy as well as spend a bit of time with him.

Tom was dressed in his Dark Lord robes, his chocolate brown curls longer than usual and straying into his deep crimson eyes. He tilted his head and Hadrian realized he had gotten lost in the man, unable to help himself. He felt like it had been ages since he had last gotten Tom all to himself.

He still adored Draco, but even he knew the bond he had with Tom was different from theirs. But he'd never treat Draco any different. He just couldn't. However he and Draco were always around each other, he and Tom were not.

"Little King.." Tom's words faded when Hadrian pressed a kiss to his lips, sending chills down the man's spine. He immediately tugged Hadrian as close as he could, fingers digging into his hips and his hot tongue dipping into the raven's mouth to seek out his tongue.

Hadrian had forgotten just how rough and aggressive Tom could be, moaning when the man pushed his tongue further down his throat, Hadrian's face flushed with pleasure.

"What, was that for?" whispered Tom, his eyes burning when he pulled back to nip at Hadrian's neck, drawing blood in the process. Hadrian shuddered and swallowed when Tom lapped it up roughly, his breathing deep. The desire in his eyes was something dark and Hadrian had the strongest feeling the man's sadism didn't stop with torture.

"I just haven't been in your presence in forever and I couldn't help admiring you. I missed you." he managed to respond, not recognizing his raspy voice and Tom gave a smug smirk. "Tell me something that isn't obvious serpent." he replied, Hadrian narrowing his eyes at the elder wizard.

He shifted positions, turning to face Tom and the man tensed up when he felt Hadrian's hand in a place it shouldn't have been right then.

His blood burned and his eyes closed slightly when Hadrian began to rub him over his robes, a low groan escaping his lips.

"Hadrian..stop." he muttered weakly, though he couldn't help the way he leaned in, wanting much more than what his little Consort was giving him.

"Really? Because it seems to me, like you want more my Lord." Hadrian murmured in his ear and smirked at the curse Tom gave in response when Hadrian squeezed his shaft gently, the pressure making Tom's hips lift just slightly.

"Please. You have no idea how difficult it is for me to hold back in the first place. You being a brat is not helping anything." panted Tom, hating how needy he sounded but unable to help it. It had been so long since someone had touched him like that and he wanted to tear into Hadrian like a wild animal.

Hadrian could feel the man's burning desires and he admitted it was hot. Far too hot and it surprised Hadrian as sometimes, the raven still couldn't believe a man such as the Dark Lord wanted someone like him.

"But my Lord." pouted Hadrian, chuckling at the almost pained expression on Tom's handsome face. It was amazing that he had this much control over the man.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now