The Chamber of Secrets

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The Chamber of Secrets

"Is this the entire Chamber?" commented Ron, looking around the giant expanse known as the Chamber of Secrets. The entire room was made mostly of stone and marble.

There was a giant statue of who Hadrian assumed was supposed to be Salazar Slytherin, but there didn't seem to be much else inside.

"I don't think so. There could be other rooms..I don't think Salazar Slytherin would just build one giant room and leave it at that. But where's the basilisk?" said Neville and Hadrian began to respond, just as the mouth of Salazar Slytherin's statue opened.

"All of you close your eyes." stated Hadrian and his friends did so just as the giant snake came sliding out of the statue, hissing menacingly as it glowered at the children.

~Who are you? Why are you here? You are not the Master.~ it hissed in a male voice and Hadrian hummed.

~No, we are not. I am Tom's Consort, his other Consort is the blonde beside me. My name is Hadrian Black and I am also an Heir of Slytherin. What's your name?~ he hissed back and the giant snake seemed surprised by this. It came closer, bending its giant head down to Hadrian's height and breathing in slightly.

~You do smell like the Master..but it is odd.~

~That is because Tom is older now. The one you were talking to was his younger self.~ said Hadrian, the snake's tongue darting out slightly in response. ~I name is Friar. You can tell your friends to look now, I've put up my second set of eyelids. They won't be petrified if they look at me.~ said the snake and Hadrian smiled.

"You can look now. Nothing will happen." he said and the others slowly opened their eyes.

"What did you say?" asked Theo as he stared up at the giant snake. "Just that Draco and I are Tom's Consorts." Hadrian said in response, then looked back toward the snake. ~Friar, is there anything else in this Chamber?~

~Yes. Where you are standing now is just for training, dueling and the like. Further into the Chamber there is a library, a Potions lab, a sitting room then several passages that lead to other places in Hogwarts. Including the common rooms of the other Houses.~ at this, Hadrian's brows shot up and Neville gave him a curious stare.

"What is it?" asked the grey eyed male and Hadrian chuckled. "Apparently, there are passages in the Chamber that lead to the common rooms of the other Houses. There is also a potions lab, a library and a sitting room. This area is mostly for training." he said and Ron gave a smirk. "Those passages could come in handy."

"Definitely. And with those, it'll be easier for our friends of different Houses to train with us." said the raven, reaching up to stroke Friar's head lightly, the giant snake hissing in satisfaction. "What do we do now?" questioned Fred and Hadrian smirked.

"That's easy. We train. I've decided that the Hollows will share our space. I'd much rather have you all get along. Besides it'll be easier to assess each of your skills this way." he said, then hissed something toward Friar. The basilisk immediately hissed back in response and Hadrian nodded as he stepped back.

He crossed the room, until he stood in front of one of the many columns that held up the Chamber and tapped his wand against it. The Inferno jumped back as the floor shifted, several training dummies rising from the ground.

"Get started. And don't disappoint."


This chapter isn't my favorite but I had to get past it..I don't know. The next chapters should be better.

I'm not proud of this. Maybe that's just me though :/

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