Moving On

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Moving On

"This place seems nice." commented George, glancing over Severus Snape's shoulder, the man humming in response.

The Slytherin Head of House had no idea how the twins had become like sons to him, but it happened.

Perhaps it happened in their first, he was reluctant to admit it was most likely the day they first met Draco.

He had been wary at first, not liking two Weasleys taking a liking to the young blonde and had kept a close eye on the three. But he hadn't needed to. He learned quickly that the twins were not like the main Weasley line. They had more qualities from the Black family, their ancestor being Cedrella Black herself.

They were very mischievous for children, witty and very intelligent.

It was when they asked him about Potions did he truly give them a chance.

Since that day, he and the twins had a bond that grew stronger each day.

Right then the dungeon bat was seated in his quarters with the two and Luna Lovegood. The twins were asking Severus about housing in the wizarding world. Of course the Burrow had become their base of operations for Hadrian but the two wanted nothing to do with that house.

They wished to be in a space that made them comfortable and felt safe. And the Burrow would never be that place. They admitted they wanted the feel of Malfoy Manor. A family home.

They wanted to let Luna stay there as well when she became of age. The two were already saving money in their personal vault and Severus found this impressive.

He was proud of them. And that's something he'd never think about a Weasley.

"It is, however it's too far into the city. There will be plenty of muggles around and I'm sure you don't want that. You two, could always build your own house. I believe Abraxas Malfoy's great, great many times great grandfather build Malfoy Manor then the Malfoys after began to expand and decorate it as they pleased." commented Severus, closing the book he held and Fred perked up at those words.

"We could..that would take quite a bit of magic over time..and I'm not sure how much time we'll have. Hadrian's nearly a Dark Lord and soon we'll be at war." he replied, brows scrunched in thought.

Luna nodded in agreement, tilting her head, her hazy eyes seeming to focus for a moment. "That is true. But I know Hadrian would not mind helping out whenever our time is free." she said.

"You won't need Hadrian and the others. I'll help and I'll ask Remus to let us borrow some of his pack members. I know he won't mind." said Severus, standing, his arms crossed over his chest. The twins grinned and he grunted, his lip twitching when they tackled him in a tight hug.

"That's brilliant Sevy!" breathed Fred, Severus grimacing in response.

"Well..I was going to wait to say something however..things are getting more serious and I do not wish to be too late. Just in case.." Severus paused and the twins pulled back to stare in confusion, Luna smiling knowingly.

The man sighed and met their gazes, something like sadness and longing there.

They had never seen such an expression on the man's usually stoic face and now they were extremely concerned.

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