Something.. off, she said.

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Something.. off, she said.

Petunia Dursley was wary of the infant at her doorstep. She was not cold hearted, nor was she a saint, but even she could not turn away a sleeping baby.

It was strange to say the least. She had been in the kitchen, making a steaming pot of coffee, when there was a faint knock on the door. She had carefully placed the mug of dark liquid onto the spotless counter top then crept through the narrow hall, opening the door.

It was fairly dark out and she could not see much even with the lamps streaming out onto the silent street. However, she had looked down just briefly, only a slight movement, her eyes widening at the sight of a small bundle placed carefully on the porch step.

At that very moment she was contemplating on whether or not she should take the child inside, when she noticed the note that was placed onto the blue bundle of blankets the child was wrapped in. Indication that the baby was a boy.

She bent over, picking up the child and cradling him in her arms as she took the letter, opening it to read.

To Petunia Dursley,

I am very sorry to inform you that your sister, Lily, has passed away. She and her husband James met an unfortunate death by the hands of the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort. However, Harry Potter, the child in your arms, survived.

Young Harry single handedly defeated the Dark Lord. Vanquishing him.

However it has left his core extremely weak. I doubt very much that he will be able to reside in the wizarding world. This is why I ask that you treat him as you would your own son. Treat him like a normal boy. Do not tell him who his parents were or of his magical origins.

If you are unwilling, I will happily pay you. If this will not suffice I will have to take drastic measures.

Headmaster of Hogwarts,

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class,  Grand. Sort., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Leader of the Light.

Petunia sneered at the letter and glanced at the child, her blood freezing like ice when she saw that he was awake.

Had he been watching her read the letter?

Something was off with this child.. Something terribly off. The small baby was staring at her with luminescent green eyes. When she looked close enough she could see a faint, violet ring around them, the irises strangely.. cat like. No. Not cat like.

More.. snake like.

This child did not resemble Lily Evans nor did it resemble that man, James Potter. This child could not be related to them in any way shape or form. There was a strange air around the child and Petunia made her decision.

Whomever this strange child belonged to, would be placed in an orphanage.

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