Welcome Back Hadrian

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Welcome Back Hadrian

"Hey Hadrian!" smiled a Hufflepuff student that the raven didn't know, but politely smiled back at her. "Hello, have a nice break?" he remarked and she seemed to blush. "Very nice. Thank you." she said and her friends giggled and nudged her as they passed the raven and his friends.

"Oi, Hades, can't wait to see you pummel those Gryffins in the first match!" called a seventh year Slytherin and Hadrian raised a brow. "Pummel is too nice a word." he replied, the Slytherin snickering along with his friends.

Hadrian turned the corner and just as he attempted to enter the Great Hall, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see the Gryffindor he expected the least to approach him. Dean Thomas. The boy, despite his situation, looked very good and was smiling toward Hadrian. Even when he met the eye of Neville, he didn't flinch back like usual.

"A few of the Gryffindors came to me with an alliance agreement for you. Their names are all here." he said as he retrieved a paper from his robes and now Hadrian was definitely surprised.

"Really? What brought this on?" he asked innocently, though he was sure he could guess. Parvati and Lee were very good at putting a good word in for them. "We just thought it'd be beneficial for us, especially with Dumbledore breathing down our necks. Is this alright?" said Thomas as Hadrian looked the list over, nodding slowly.

"It is. I'll be sure to bring this up with my other friends. Thank you Dean." he said and the boy looked flustered as he nodded quickly, rushing into the Great Hall.

"Hades are you using your charm right now?" commented Blaise and Hadrian shook his head. "Nope. Unless I'm doing it without realizing. But I don't feel any magic. They're doing this all of their own free will." he said and Theo seemed impressed.

"I knew you were magnetic, but this is something. You've changed half the school in only two years." said the hazel eyed boy as they were finally able to enter the Great Hall with no interruption. So they thought. As Hadrian went to respond to Theo, a voice called, "Is it true Black? That you fainted when the dementors came around?"

There was laughter and Draco shot Longbottom a sharp glare as a few of his other friends laughed along with him. However, Dean and Seamus just scowled toward the boy, making him frown slightly.

"Oh look at me! Can you guess who I am?" Longbottom made a show of fainting but no one at the other tables laughed, in fact, he was privy to quite a few glares, even up at the head table.

"Longbottom. That's quite enough. There's no shame in fainting around a dementor. They're a creature that not even I would like to come across." stated Professor Sprout as she had just come up to the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. Longbottom blushed and cleared his throat. "Right..sorry professor." he mumbled, his face reddening when the Gryffindors that hadn't laughed at Hadrian, laughed at him instead.

Sprout smiled toward Hadrian, then made her way up to the head table.

"You're quite the clown, Longbottom." snorted Padma, the others chuckling as the boy glared at them. "Whatever." he muttered, turning in his seat. He tried to start a conversation with Seamus, but the boy completely ignored him.

"Dumbledore looks like he might choke on one of his lemon drops." smirked Parvati as the Inferno and Hadrian took their usual seats at the middle of the Slytherin table, the Hollows having already been seated and waiting for them.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now