Christmas Break

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Christmas Break

Due to quite a few muggleborns being petrified as well as the disappearance of Cho Chang, students were being sent home quicker than usual. Most gone before the break even began.

Hadrian himself, had been thinking of staying at Hogwarts just to find Tom's Horcrux. Draco, however, wouldn't have that.

"No. You're not spending your only time with Tom at Hogwarts. Dad already mentioned that he's been loosing his mind without us around and I for one, need this break." said the blonde, his tone firm. Hadrian smiled at this and leaned forward, kissing the boy's lips lightly.

Draco shuddered at this and kissed back just as gently, his expression soft as he stared at the raven.

"Fine. I was only joking. I suppose diary Tom will have nothing to do over break anyways." he said, chuckling as Draco ripped up the form that would let him stay at Hogwarts, vanishing the pieces away.

"What about all of you? What are you doing for break?" asked Hadrian, looking around at his friends. The Great Hall was oddly quiet that day and fairly empty. The only ones inside being the two houses allied with Slytherin, the Slytherin themselves and a few teachers.

Albus Dumbledore as well, as always, keeping an eye on Hadrian.

"George and I are going to Lee's. His family is taking a trip to Rome. Charlie is there at the moment and we wanted to see him." said Fred and Hadrian smiled. "That's great. Tell him I said hi, oh and to make sure you all return in time for the Malfoy's Christmas Ball. All the Royals and Court will be there. I also have a bit of a surprise for all of you." he said and the group looked curious but excited as they stared over at the raven.

"Will do!" said the twins together and Blaise snorted.

"I'm going to Paris with Padma and my parents. She's never been." he said with a fond smile and Hadrian didn't miss the slight redness of the elder twin's face as she smiled back at him.

"We're staying here this year. Since dad is still getting back on his feet." said Theo with a shrug and Ron blushed as he said, "Neville's invited me to stay with him for Christmas. But we'll definitely be there for your ball, Draco."

"And Parvati and I will be at Hogwarts this year. Keeping an eye out and trying to talk some sense into the Gryffindors. Longbottom won't be here so it should be easier than usual." said Sebastian and Hadrian hummed. "That's settled. I hope everyone has a good break, but don't forget to take the time to study and train. A break does not mean you completely disregard everything we've done so far. Remember, we are not just students and children, we are the ones that will change the wizarding world some day." he said and smiled at the nods of conviction he got, the determined look from his friends.

Yes, they knew their purpose. And he briefly wondered, if Albus Dumbledore knew his.

He smirked to himself, and the group finished up their meals, talking amongst themselves quietly.


"Pads, calm down." muttered Remus with a sigh, as the dog star stared around the platform with barely suppressed excitement. Of course he did not look like Sirius Black at that moment, but Remus still didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to the two.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now