A Conversation

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A Conversation

"Is there something you need, Headmaster?" commented Severus Snape, glancing up from the book he had been reading. He was at his desk in his private quarters, when he felt the presence of another.

Standing in the door, was none other than Albus Dumbledore. The great wizard crossed the threshold, his hands clasped behind his back and unsmiling. There was no twinkle in his eye and Severus suspected the reason why.

"Yes Severus. You are a close friend to the Malfoys. Being young Draco's Godfather. Why did you not mention that young Hadrian was staying with them?" questioned Dumbledore and the stiff male hummed. "It is simple Albus. Hadrian is a student here. Though he was not before, he would become one. I am also a professor here. If I were to tell you personal information regarding his life without his permission it would go against the ministry's laws pertaining education. I have an obligation to the students' privacy." he replied and Dumbledore was silent a moment.

He nodded slowly and Severus stiffened as he felt the great wizard's magic surrounding him threateningly. "Yes.. of course. I must ask, do you know who retrieved Hadrian from the Dursleys?" Severus shook his head slowly. "No. If I would guess it would be Lucius himself or possibly Tadeus Nott. However, I doubt that they'd admit to it." he said and just as Albus attempted to raise his wand, someone cleared their throat.

The two wizards looked toward the door to find Quirinus Quirrel. The nervous looking man looked rigid with something like anger, his brown eyes narrowed slightly as they landed on Albus Dumbledore. "Excuse me..sir, but would it be too much trouble if I could speak with Severus for a moment?" he asked in a smooth voice and Dumbledore gave a tight smile.

"Not at all. Have a goodnight." he said in his grandfatherly voice and the two Slytherins stared after the man until he had left the room, the door shutting behind him. Quirrel flicked his wand, raising a few privacy wards, then took a seat at Severus' desk.

The stiff male raised a brow, crossing his arms. "What is this about Quirrel?" he drawled and the man chuckled, the sound deep and husky. Severus' eyes widened slightly at the familiar sound and he almost gaped at Quirrel as his eyes were suddenly a crimson red.

"M-My Lord.." he breathed faintly and the Dark Lord with Quirrel's likeness, smirked. "You seem surprised Severus. Have you lost faith in your Lord?" he teased and Severus gave him an incredulous stare. "Of course not. I just did not expect for you take possession of another wizard. I'm assuming your spirit had to rebuild itself.. then you drifted around, searching for a willing host?" he said and Tom smiled.

"Your mind is as sharp as ever I see. Correct. Though I did posses quite a few others, however they became unwilling and rejected me. I of course killed them. Quirrel is faithful to our cause." said the Dark Lord.

"My Lord, Dumbledore has the stone here. I can easily retrieve it for you." said Severus and Tom shook his head. "That would be suspicious as you know all of the tests one has to go through to get to it. I will retrieve it myself. Onto another subject.. Hadrian. Tell me, what did Dumbledore mean when he said that Hadrian was taken from.. the Dursleys?"

At this Severus paled.

"When you were vanquished, Dumbledore had kidnapped Hadrian and taken him to stay with muggles.."

As Severus explained, Tom's rage grew and Severus almost pitied Dumbledore. He could only imagine what his Lord had planned for the man when this was all over.

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