Lestrangest thing Happened in The Library...

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Lestrangest thing Happened in The Library

Neville sighed in annoyance, his grey eyes watching irritably as Ron flipped through book after book.

"Do you know what day it is? Hadrian will be practicing out on the Quidditch field by now." he commented only to receive no response from the red head.

He huffed under his breath, tapping his fingers across his arm lightly and turning to look around. He didn't want to sit in the room. He didn't really have to either. So why the hell was he?

Maybe it was because he was trying to get Ron to get his head out of those books but he apparently had other ideas.

"Nothing. There's nothing here on it at all." sighed Ron in exasperation, tossing his books to the side and standing up abruptly, pacing the room in thought.

"On what? What were you even reading about?" muttered Neville, eyes narrowed and Ron hummed in response.

"The Sorcerer's Stone.." he trailed off, then groaned out loud and grabbed Neville's hand, dragging him toward the door.

"What the fuck Weasley? Let go!" he hissed, his face warm for some unknown reason and Ron ignored this in favor of dragging him out the door, down the spiral steps and out of the common room.

"Come on Nev, stop being a prick. I need your help." he replied and Neville cursed the red head under his breath, muttering obscenities and insults that Ron payed no attention to.

Despite his irritation he did look around long enough to see that Ron was leading him toward the library. That was kind of odd for a Weasley.

He's a Slytherin Weasley. Remember?

Neville almost cringed. Hadrian would have had his head if he had forgotten that. Fred and George were the top of their year and that was saying a lot since those two were always pranking people. He had no idea how they had time to study.

"What are we looking for?" he mumbled in defeat and Ron grinned. "Anything on the Sorcerer's Stone. Any small detail at all." he said, not noticing that a certain bushy haired mudblood had perked up from her seat at a table nearby. She was seated with Frank Longbottom, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan.

The three had been discussing the news that Frank was actually the Savior and not Harry Potter.

And that he would apparently stop Voldemort from taking...something from the school. They still didn't understand how exactly Voldemort could enter the school if he was..vanquished or whatever but they would look into it for Dumbledore.

"Sorcerer's Stone. I read a bit about that. But why would those snakes be looking for it?" muttered Granger and Longbottom frowned. "Well...for Hadrian? Think about it, no one knows anything about him other than the fact that his father turned Death Eater. Maybe he's gonna try and take it for the Dark Lord." he whispered and Granger's eyes went wide.

"Then we should definitely get it first."

Ron and Neville were so busy looking through books that they didn't notice Granger and Longbottom creeping closer to try and get a look at what they were reading.

"Here it is!" exclaimed Ron, then winced when he was shushed by the librarian. "Sorry." he mumbled and grabbed Neville's arm, dragging him to a table further in the back.

Neville seemed irritated but didn't complain.

"The Sorcerer's Stone was created by the great alchemist, Nicholas Flamel. It's said to turn ordinary stones into gold, bring back the dead and even grant immortality. This is what Dumbledore has and what our Lord needs to return to his body." whispered Ron frantically and Neville paused.

"Did you just say, our Lord?" he remarked, brows raised and Ron stilled. He blinked slowly and nodded, clearing his throat. "Uh yeah..yeah. I guess I did. You know this whole..Slytherin thing. It's not bad. I feel like I belong here. And I agree with Voldemort's views on magic and muggleborns. Besides, Hadrian is like a brother to me now. I don't want to disappoint him." he said, his face falling with the meer thought and Neville gave a small smile.

It was the first time Ron had ever seen the boy smile at anyone other than Hadrian and it made his heart feel funny.

"It's the same for me. Hadrian's always been there for me. I would have to kill you if you betrayed him." he said and Ron didn't even flinch at the threat. "I know. And I wouldn't hold it against you. I feel the same. It's like..just the thought of someone getting in his way makes me angry. I feel like I should protect him no matter what. It's silly because I know he can take care of himself." murmured the red head and Neville nodded his agreement.

He knew Draco felt the same way and wondered if Hadrian knew his affect on his friends. Probably not. At least not yet.

The two were silent a moment, until Neville whipped around, grabbing Longbottom by his collar and glaring at him with dark eyes.

"I knew I felt someone watching us. What do you want Longbottom?" he bit out quietly and frowned as Granger smirked smugly. "The same thing as you. The stone."

Ron cursed and Neville growled lowly.

"I suggest you back off, mudblood. You'll only get hurt." he said and Granger rolled her eyes. "We're not scared of you. We have Dumbledore on our side. So why don't you just tell us where the stone is so we can get this over with?" she smiled and Ron scoffed, going for his wand only to be pulled back by Thomas and Finnigan.

Neville went rigid with anger and the lions paled as heavy dark magic settled over them. Granger stepped back and Thomas and Finnigan immediately dropped Ron, backing away.

"Why do you think Hades is always holding me back? He's not afraid for me. It'd just be a real hassle if he had to clean up my mess after ripping you apart." murmured Neville in a tone Ron had never heard before. He shuddered and watched as the Gryffins scrambled away, Granger whispering frantically and Longbottom cringing at her words.

Neville took a breath and slowly reeled in his magic, glancing at Ron.

"You alright?"

"Uh..yeah..." he mumbled. The two stared at each other for a moment and Neville frowned, reaching forward to rub his thumb over what looked to be some type of candy. "You're so damn messy. And you call yourself a pureblood?" he muttered, smirking slightly at the blush he spotted on Ron's cheeks.

"Uh..shouldn't we tell Hades what happened?" he squeaked and Neville sighed. "Shit. Yeah. He's gonna be pissed."


Unexpected ship number one :D

Btw, how do you all like Neville and Ron's personalities in this story? I wanted Ron to be much smarter and more attuned to the stuff around him since he's a Slytherin.

I also figured that with Neville being Bellatrix's son and a Slytherin he would definitely be more badass.

So yeah, vote, comment and all that good stuff!

Please, please, please tell me what you think! I'd love some feedback, suggestions and even some criticism. :)

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