A Deadly Duel

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A Deadly Duel

Frank Longbottom was fed up. He was fed up with Hogwarts, fed up with stupid slimy snakes and fed up with Hadrian Black. Right that moment he was sitting in Defense taught by a bloody werewolf as they learned about the Unforgivables. Yet he didn't just give an explanation, he was showing them how to do the spell. Frank highly doubted that Dumbledore had approved of such risky teaching. He was holding his tongue, wanting nothing to do with the class, until Lupin met his gaze.

"Longbottom, are you paying attention?" he remarked slowly, his voice showing none of the bias that Hadrian's or any of his other friends had toward him and Gryffindor. If he wasn't so obviously on Hadrian's side, Frank might actually like the man. "Y-Yes professor." he lied and Remus raised a brow. "Really? Then can you tell me what I just said?" he said and Frank fidgeted, his face red with embarrassment as he tried to recall what the wolf had been going on about just seconds before.

"I-I don't remember sir." he finally admitted and Remus shook his head, his eyes knowing. "I was going over the Imperius curse." he sighed, pacing the room lightly and meeting the eyes of a few wary students. Most however, seemed fairly curious.

"The Imperius curse, or imperio, is a curse used to control other wizards and even magical creatures to an extent. It was used to keep wizards still when trying to heal wounds that were near deadly, however because a few dark wizards used it to get information and control their enemies, it was deemed illegal to use." explained Remus and a Gryffindor raised their hand.


"What about people like the Order and the ministry? Can they use the unforgivables?" he questioned, Remus making a face. "The answer should be no, but wizards who aren't naive to the world know that it's highly likely that ministry officials and the Order use it on Death Eaters as well as to get and control information they receive and send out." he responded, a hushed murmur overtaking the room.

"If you had to choose a side, professor, what side would you be on?" asked Thomas and Hadrian suppressed a smirk at the gleam he could see in the wolf's eyes as he chuckled.

"I'm not allowed to force values and beliefs on young wizards such as yourself. However I will say, I'm a werewolf Thomas. The light doesn't treat us well and they probably never will if there isn't change. It doesn't have to come from Death Eaters or some scary Dark Lord. Change can come from all of you, even. Your generation is the most promising so far. It's up to you to bring changes in wizarding England." said the man and glanced down at his watch.

"Class unfortunately, is ending soon. If you have more questions, you can see me after class or at lunch. Just remind me to write a note letting your teacher know why you might be late." he said as students began to stand, collecting their books.

Frank's eyes slid over to Hadrian and the raven seemed not to notice as he stretched out his stiff limbs, Blaise Zabini saying a few passing words to which the raven smirked and rolled his eyes, while the latter brushed by with Theodore Nott at his side.

Anubis, Hadrian's familiar, was nowhere to be seen that day and Draco Malfoy apparently had something important to do because he gave the raven a quick peck on the cheek, before rushing out the door.

"What is it that's bothering you Longbottom?" said Hadrian, turning to face the obvious stare on his left side. Frank was now glaring at the boy but Hadrian wasn't phased, just waited patiently for a response.

"You, are always bothering me." uttered the Gryffindor, his teeth gritted and his hands clenched at his sides. He was shaking with his anger and Hadrian wanted to laugh, but instead kept his expression cool and unreadable, a brow arched in mock disbelief.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now