Never Change

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Never Change

TAEYANG3 Here you are :)

Ronald Weasley glanced over at his Consort, the taller boy off to the side, silent.

After the first task, Neville had not approached Hadrian, in fact he had avoided Hadrian as well as the rest of their friends.

He hadn't even glanced in Ron's direction and it was beginning to worry the red head.

"Excuse me." he said, his tone apologetic as he raised a hand to stop Fred's next words. "Of course dear brother. Do come to me after you and Nev have had" smirked the older red head and Ron's cheeks warmed as he shoved the elder twin, brushing by and ignoring the laughter he heard in turn.

Ron sighed under his breath, unable to help the way his heart raced when Neville noticed his presence, the boy looking up. His grey eyes met Ron's big brown eyes and Ron tried his best to ignore how his body felt like mush all of a sudden.

He had not told Neville he loved the boy yet, Neville hadn't said anything either, but he knew he felt the same. He was just too stubborn to say so.

"Is there something wrong, darling?" Neville said, pushing himself off the wall to bring Ron into his strong arms. Ron wished he could stop noticing things like that..

Things like the fact that Neville's face had lost all the baby fat so now it was more chiseled than before. The bit of stubble on his jaw and cheeks. The way the grey in his eyes went dark after they shared a kiss. His grip sometimes getting tighter and needier when they were alone and how rough his voice got whenever Ron touched him.

He wasn't just a boy anymore and Ron was definitely not prepared for these new feelings of lust. He knew it was because they were teenage boys but no one warned him just how much things would change.

"Ron.." Neville's husky voice in his ear brought him out of his fantasizing and his face reddened when Neville gave a smile, just the slightest lift of his lips but it set a fire across Ron's skin.

He had the strongest feeling he knew who was being the girl in their situation.

"S-Sorry..are you alright?" he stammered out, his voice low and Neville paused, brows scrunched. "Why do you ask?" he replied and Ron shrugged, frowning as he fingered the Slytherin crest on Neville's robes lightly.

"You seem..distant. After the first task.." said the red head, motioning out at the common room which was alight with activity. There was music and streamers, food and laughter. Dancing as Hadrian and Draco were having a very heated snogging session in his usual chair.

The house of snakes were celebrating Hadrian, as well Cedric, Fleur and Viktor, coming back in one piece. The elder wizards chatting among themselves while the Inferno let loose.

Even Luna looked to be having fun, now dancing with a smiling George.

"You haven't asked me to dance. You didn't even congratulate them and don't tell me you did because Hadrian noticed. He's giving you space but we both know he'll expect an explanation." finished Ron, giving Neville a pointed look when he tried to interrupt.

Neville tensed up, pulling away from Ron to pace in front of the boy, running his fingers through his already messy hair.

"I suppose I am..afraid." he replied quietly, shrugging his shoulders.

Ron's brows shot up and he decided to choose his next words carefully.

"Of what?"

Neville made a face, almost as if he could not believe what he was going to say next, but continued on anyways.

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