Luna Lovegood

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Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood knew she was different from other children.

From a young age she could see things others couldn't. They called her mad...looney.

Even her cousin, Draco, would sometimes look at her strangely. Though he didn't fault her for it. He, as well as many of their family, assumed she could be a Seer. And she wouldn't say that, but sometimes, just sometimes, she did see the future.

And what she saw, she did like.

But of course, being different, in any way, even in the wizarding world; was bad.

The other children were always mean to her. Called her names. Stole her inventions and destroyed them. She didn't cry. No, she smiled, and they made fun of that as well. Saying she was a freak. Who smiled at their own pain?

She couldn't help who she was, even if she did want friends. Or wanted a change of pace..wanted to be accepted, to be apart of something.

But she wouldn't change herself for those that didn't deserve it.

"There goes loony Luna." muttered a voice close by, the blonde tensing up but forcing herself not to react as she made her way down to the dungeons. Over the summer she had become good friends with the twins, Fred and George, and they had been kind enough to give her the password to the Slytherin common room.

Said she could stay there whenever she needed to relax or be alone, even just to hang out.

The blue eyed witch had just come across the wall that hid the portrait to the Slytherin common room, when she was being pulled into someone's side. She felt soft lips against her cheek and she smiled warmly as she met the always mischievous gaze of Fred Weasley.

His twin, George Weasley gave the blonde a soft smile as he played in her hair.

"Hey Artemis. Miss us-"

"Already?" they said together and she laughed a little, tilting her head up as Fred held her close, his chin on her head. "No not really."

George gasped and Fred gave an expression of hurt, his eyes wide. "How could you-"

"Ever say-"

"Such a thing! We're-"

"Your favorite set-"

"Of twins, right?" finished George and Luna hummed in thought. "I'm not sure. Parvati and Padma are nice." Fred whined and George huffed. "You can't mean that." he mumbled, Fred nuzzling up to her in what he thought was a cute manner.

"You just can't." grumbled the elder twin and Luna laughed quietly. "I'm kidding. You are my favorite set of twins." she said with a sweet smile, Fred grinning, before his expression softened. "You okay?" he questioned lowly and Luna's smile faded.

"I could be better." said the younger witch and George frowned. "It's those Ravenclaw girls, isn't it?"

Luna didn't respond but they knew.

Fred expression darkened and George scowled.

"What are their names?" asked Fred and Luna frowned slightly. "Fred, George, it won't change anything. I'm fine. I'll be fine." she said and George's eyes flashed. "It will. Let us help you, Artemis." he said, tilting her chin up and her face felt warm as the two stared down at her, something in their matching hazel green eyes.

"How?" she finally said and Fred gave his twin a look, to which George smiled. He reached forward, knocking on the stone wall then uttering the password, the portrait swinging open.

Luna swallowed as she let Fred take her hand, leading her into the space reserved just for the Inferno.

As she looked over the group, admiring their obvious closeness, her eyes met the luminous green, violet ringed, red flecked gaze of Hadrian Black.

The raven had a brow raised as he eyed her, then looked back toward his twin demons. He of course knew Luna, but like his other friends, they weren't just his friends. They were all useful to him.

And as Luna's now misty eyes stared at Hadrian, she couldn't help but smile.

"Hadrian, would it be alright if Luna joined us? We know it's quick but-"

"We know she could be-"

"Useful to you." said the twins, Hadrian laughing as the two gave him puppy eyes, his lips twitching as he smirked. "Oh, can she?" he remarked, meeting Luna's gaze once more.

"I can. Your Tom may be fateless, but you are not." at these words Hadrian's smile faded just slightly and the others looked confused but guarded as they stared at the doll like girl. They may not know what happened at the festival with the Seer but they could tell from the edge coming from Hadrian's magic that she wasn't supposed to know what she did.

"What does that mean?" uttered Draco, eyes narrowed defensively and Luna hummed. "Nothing bad. In fact, though our King has a fate, it is a successful one." Hadrian stared at the girl for several more long, tense moments, then nodded slowly.

"Welcome to my Inferno, Luna." he said and the girl bowed her head, her expression one of elation. "I will serve you well, my King." she said and Fred and George cheered as they swooped the girl into her arms.

"They'll never hurt you again." said George and Fred kissed her cheek. "Ever." he said and she knew.

The Inferno, they were her family now.

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