A Flying Lesson

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A Flying Lesson

"Hadrian, are you going to sleep soon?" commented Ron as he was finishing up an essay for Transfiguration. The others, Draco and Neville, had already finished and were asleep.

The raven hummed as he reached over to stroke Anubis' scales. The snake was curled up on his desk, his stomach full after eating some roast from dinner. Hadrian had been seated at the desk finishing the letter that Tom had written somehow.

"Mhm. Don't worry, I won't be late for our flying lesson." he replied and the red head nodded once. He put his homework away then spelled on his pajamas and climbed into bed.

After a few painful rituals I am now considered a pureblood.

I think that's enough on me for now. If you're wondering how I am writing this, well, I am sure you know the story of how you got your scar by now. I was reduced to a spirit form and wondered for a while. At the moment I am possessing someone until I can get my original body back.

I hope to get it back soon so I can meet you in person. If you have more questions feel free to ask.



Hadrian found himself smiling though he wondered what exactly was his relationship with the Dark Lord. He had asked before but Lucius and Severus would always look at him strangely, then say it wasn't for them to tell.

He knew Tom would not be a parental figure in his life. So could he..could he be more? Hadrian knew that the tradition of arranged marriage was common amongst the old pureblood families. Especially the Blacks. So..would he be Tom's future spouse?

His face warmed for some unknown reason and he felt his scar tingle with warmth. He shook his head and quickly began writing his own response. Once finished, he gave the letter to Inky to give to Tom then went to sleep with a strange feeling in his chest.

Before Hadrian knew it, he was opening his eyes and getting ready for breakfast.

"You seem to be in a good mood." commented Draco as the four Slytherin boys entered the Great Hall with Theo and Blaise chatting behind. Neville noticed as well. There was a sort of warm current coming from Hadrian's magic. It didn't feel like how he felt when he was around his family or friends.

"I guess I just had a good night's rest." said Hadrian. It wasn't as if he didn't trust his friends but for some reason, he wanted to keep Tom a secret. Of course when he returned that would be useless but for now he could do what he wanted. It wasn't harming anyone. No one but Dumbledore.

"Uh huh." Draco said sceptically and they laughed at the look Hadrian gave the blonde. Up at the Head Table, Quirrel was reading a letter, his eyes red.

Dear Tom,

It is nice to unofficially meet you..or remeet you? I do remember you vaguely, mainly your eyes. I doubt there's anyone else with eyes like that but myself and they aren't hardly as intriguing as yours.

Our pasts are quite similar. I find it interesting that you would be a half-blood. I've heard of how powerful you were then. And even now. As I know now, no one has achieved what you have. It makes me curious.. if your soul is in the scar on my head, would we be able to interact? I'd rather not have to keep writing letters as they could always be intercepted.

I hope to meet you soon as well. I'm interested in our relationship. Lucius and Severus won't tell me why I am important to you. Of course I'm your Horcrux but I wasn't before..would you mind telling me what I am to you?

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now