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The Slytherin common room was in complete silence that night as Hadrian swept through the room, taking his seat in the high backed chair beside the fireplace.

The other Royals, all but one, joined him, taking their own seats and waited as Hadrian closed his eyes, trying to rein in the anger pouring from his skin. His magic had filled the room and the other Slytherins, the ones that weren't used to such dark magic, went pale, their bodies stiff with attention as they waited for a command.

"Unfortunately, Fred will not be joining us tomorrow." he uttered faintly and Draco decided to speak, knowing Hadrian was less likely to lash out at him than anyone else.

"What happened?" he asked carefully and Hadrian's fingers tapped against the arm of his chair. "Dean Thomas wanted to scare him. Unfortunately the spell had the opposite affect. Fred lost a lot of blood and is unconscious in the infirmary right now. Severus and Madam Pomfrey are taking care of him." he said and George paled.

"Can I..?" he whispered and Hadrian nodded.

~Anubis, go with George. I won't have a repeat of the same with him. I'd rather not have both my demons hurt.~ he hissed and the snake seemed to nod, sliding down from his shoulders and dropping to the floor carefully. George stood up on shaky legs and was still as Anubis climbed up his leg and onto his shoulders.

The twin looked lost as he stumbled out of the common room.

"Unfortunately I can not do anything to Thomas directly. Dumbledore would know it was me and if I told you all to do something he'd know it was on my orders. So.." the raven looked up, meeting the gaze of the rest of Slytherin House, which had been waiting quietly, and smiled.

"I'm certain you all have plenty of spells you'd like to test on someone. From this day on to the end of the school year, Dean Thomas is now your target. You can do anything you want to him so long as you're not caught. And make it interesting. The person that causes the most damage, mentally and physically, gets a permanent spot with us Royals." he said and one third year stepped forward, his head bowed slightly.

"You don't need to bribe us, Hadrian. We'd do anything for you." he said and Hadrian's brows raised at the agreement he could see from all of the Slytherin around. He had known that quite a few of the Slytherin adored him, but he hadn't realized to what extent or to how many years.

Even the seventh years looked compliant.

"I see. But the offer still stands. I love a good competition. Don't fail me." he said and smirked widely at the determined glint he could see from his snakes.

"Don't worry, he won't get away with this." said another third year and Hadrian chuckled.

"Dismissed." with the words, the snakes broke off to their dorms, talking quietly and Padma finally spoke.

"Ginny is here." she said, motioning to the girl, who had been waiting quietly with one of the prefects Hadrian had ordered to get her. She looked pale but he didn't see any hesitance from her.

"Ginny, come here please." he said, standing from his seat and the young witch stepped forward nervously.

The raven smiled at her, his eyes gleaming as he reached up, caressing her cheek lightly. "Ginny, you want to make me happy, right?" he asked, head tilted and she nodded quickly, her heart racing as she stared into his eyes. There was something about him that made it impossible for her to want to disobey him.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now