Hot, Cold, or Lukewarm??

54 9 10

Nov. 10, 20

How would you rate yourself and your walk with God? Are you Hot like on fire for God always reading your word doing the will of God? Cold where you're not thinking of God at all or lukewarm in the middle?

I'm not even going to lie to you. I believe I've been lukewarm I've been one foot in and one foot out. I've been into my word well getting into it more but I've always be "in the world" a little.

At this point, like an hour ago I just spoke to God poured my heart out to him and just told how that I wanted to be on fire for him. I don't want to keep making the same mistakes and doing and being like "the world."

I want people to see me but see God through me, I want others to say "it's something about you that's different." And that will be my Key to giving God the glory and to show others that they can also live for God.

My biggest issue is music. I love music R&B some hip hop I try to be careful with what I listen to but something's is just hard. I have been trying to listen to more gospel lately and it does help.

My mind has been on God a lot lately and I don't want to seem like I'm only coming to him because I'm seeking blessings or asking for him to answer my hearts desire.

I also want to grow in him and be young saved and a light to this dark world.

It's not easy being young and living for God especially with today's world it's so many temptations out there. I just gotta pray keep the faith and believe God.

So where are you? Hot, cold or Lukewarm.. you dont really have to say unless you would like to but it's a question for you to think about for yourself.

Remember God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is your father he will not abandon you.

If you ever need to talk about your faith or anything for that matter please don't hesitate to message me. What we talk about will stay between us.

We all fall short.. no one on earth is perfect

💕Sending love, and light your way 💕

Dear God...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora