Date night with God!

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Good morning sisters & brothers in Christ!

I hope you're doing good! I'm sorry I haven't updated this in a little while I'm working on getting better with updates.


How have you all been?

How's life?

Are you all ready for Christmas? I can't believe we're here already this year has FLEW by! Like omgoodness time is just zooming.

But as you've read in the title I went on a date with God and I wanna let y'all know how it went. :)

So I originally got the idea from this girl on TikTok who did it and I thought that was a good idea so I did it too.

I wanted to put the video on here but I can't so if you would like to see a little video of it it's on my TikTok -  KieraRose96

So y'all let me tell you I was so excited I did it Thursday so Wednesday I was excited as if it was a date with somebody son well it was somebody son, well someone else son cause he's God and Mary son 😂😂😂 but y'all know what I mean.

So Wednesday I picked the outfit out I originally planned to go to the restaurant sit down and eat but that changed when I got there and saw a lot of people so I was like I'll just go home.

So I went to work as usual Thursday I was excited while at work, got off work went to chipotle got me a bowl and chips. Went home changed into my pajamas 🙄 did all that choosing a outfit just to wear my pajamas lol.
Then I put in the movie war room! Y'all if you haven't seen that movie yet just go ahead and watch it! I love that movie I hadn't seen it in a while but it blessed me.

So I ate while watching that movie, afterward when the movie was over I spoke to God, read my Bible, played praise and worship music and y'all I really felt God presence and it was really worth doing!

I'm gonna try to do this once a month

I would really advise you all to do this! I'm telling you just giving God time like that it's a good feeling💜

If you all have any questions, concerns or testimony anything you want to share please do so in the comments I would love to hear from you all!

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