Trust In God!

31 5 9

Tuesday July 12, 2022
7:18 AM

Good morning everyone, I know it's pretty early but I can't sleep so i thought why not update Dear God.

I hope everyone is doing pretty good?

How are you doing in your walk with God?

I just want to share a little something with you all.

So in the last few weeks God has been speaking to me a lot more. I've also been in my word more and I believe that's how I got to hear from God, because I've been in my word.

I was feeling as If God wasn't  speaking to me but once you give him more time in your day by reading the Bible, and just speaking to him he will definitely speak back.

It's a wonderful thing to know the God who created the whole world and everything in it speaks to us.

So if your feeling doubtful, feeling as if God doesn't speak to you and you want to hear from him I would suggest you read the Bible more and speak to him just like you would a best friend.

He cares for you he wants to hear from you personally God wants to see if you will come to him.. he wants you to.

Also I am taking prayer request if anyone has anything or anyone they want me to pray for please let me know. And I will pray Along with you for that person and or situation.

The word says when two or three are gathered together in his name he will be in the midst.      - Matthew 18:20.

Our God is still out here making ways out of no ways! He's working miracles! He's still saving souls and have so many others to save.

I pray that what I said made sense (it's still early for me) I may have not made sense if I didn't I'm sorry lol

But continue to shine your light God wants to use you and he wants what's best for you.

💕Just Trust in God 💕

Dear God...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin