The world

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My friend and I are literally texting back and forth she asked me do I think the world is ending.

Honestly not to scare anyone but I think something is bound to happen rumors of wars, climate change people dying left and right people doing the unimaginable.

I use to hate well not hate that's a strong word but be scared of people talking about Jesus return. It would scare me. Still does kind of.

But like the Bible says you have to live holy, give your life to Jesus and Be a good Christian.

I've given my life to god but I've also done wrong since I've been saved I ask for forgiveness his mercy's are new everyday.

I just want god to forgive me of all of my sins I'm reclaiming him getting closer to my word studying my bible more I want to be able
To help others to know god as well so they don't wait until it's too late.

So if you want to be saved if you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for our Sins if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you will be saved.

God will be happy if you truly want to change your life around for the better and you believe what I just said you can and will be saved.

If you have any questions comments concern or a Christian related topic you want to add let me know in the comments (I feel like a YouTuber lol) Anywho just comment

Dear God...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora