Another Testimony

28 5 7

Sunday August 13,2023
10:10 people
(Warning this involves conversation about porn)

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've last updated this!!

I've been going through so much I just haven't been having the mindset to do much, with updating this and even my other stories.

But I am coming out of that and things are getting so much better.

But I have a testimony that i want to share it's a little embarrassing but I rather be embarrassed than pass up an opportunity to help someone.

So I had been watching pornography for a while (years) I would watch it and then feel terrible right after and always praying asking God to forgive me afterward and do it again and again some time later.

So to make a long  story short my flesh wanted to watch it Friday but I fought my flesh and won and didn't watch it.

Saturday comes around and when I tell you the desire was sooooo strong like it had never been that strong before it was to the point where idk it was kinda like an out of body thing.

I was taking a nap and as I was sleep my mind was thinking like when I wake up I'll watch it.

Nobody but the devil 🙄

The desire was BAD I mean bad bad

But also while I was asleep I remembered it was like my spirit was saying "Come out! In the name of Jesus come out!" Mind you I'm sleep my mouth isn't moving this is all while I'm asleep and no it wasn't a dream this is was real life.

Anyways once I thought "Come out in Jesus name" it was like numbness all over my body. If anyone dealt with sleep paralysis it was that same feeling I couldn't move or anything but I kept saying come out!

And it left me

So after that I woke up just praying and saying come out, speaking in tongue and just speaking against that spirit and yall

I was freed!!!

I felt different! Let me tell you Just in a matter of hours My faith has been elevated so much I been feeling more confident and closer to God all in a matter of a day!

It's alot more to it but it's alot to type but God has set me free from my addiction to porn. It was definitely a soul tie, a strong hold.

But I am FREE !!

Hallelujah!! Praise God!!

I thank you Jesus for setting me freeeeeee!!

If anyone is dealing with this issue or anything else they want to be free from if there's a way I could pray for you I will. I can also pray for you at home.

You don't have to tell me your situation if you don't want to but you can comment your name and say pray for me.

Or if you wanna talk about it my

Pm is always open (private message) and we can talk possibly exchange numbers

I'm working on ministry and I believe God has a purpose for me to help others so yeah.

Love you all be bless

And God loves you more ❤️❤️

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