Im Growing In Him...

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Saturday May 29, 2021
9:30 AM

Good morning everyone I hope you have a great day today! If you're reading this you're alive and well so that's a blessing in itself.

I want to share a little bit today of what I'm going through.

So this week has been kind of rough well it started rough but I'm believing God. I've been told by a doctor that I am going through somethings with my body. But I am trusting God for COMPLETE healing from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday God has been giving me dreams, my mom she interpret dream so I told her about them and basically God is using me to do his will and I'm so excited about it.

This whole week I've been getting into my word more reading my Bible, speaking to God and he's really blessing me.

Now this morning I experienced something I've never experienced before. I was sleep I believe I had a bad dream but I could feel a spirit like I feel as if it was demonic and it tried to pull me I could feel it on the right side of my body. I can't remember if I was asleep but I feel as if I was awake but my eyes were closed.

But I remember saying scripture I'm not sure if I said it out loud or in my mind but I was just saying scriptures.

I remember saying "resist the devil and he will flee."

"I can do all things through Christ."

And a few other scriptures but I can't remember what they were but I tell you I felt as if the spirit was trying to enter into me but once I said those scriptures it was as if a shield of protection came around my body and the spirt left.

I know it might sound odd but it is the truth I've NEVER experienced anything like this.

But this is showing me that I am on the right path because the devil really is trying to attack he only attacks when he doesn't want someone to get closer to God. And I turned and put scripture on him he had no choice but to leave!

This encouraged me because I know I am going In the right direction.


How have you all been?

Do you have a testimony that you all would like to share?

What has God done for you that you would like to share.

Please pray for my health along with me I really do need it. As well as prayers for Godly friends I am desire need of godly friends to pray with and pray for each other and things.

Be blessed & be a blessing!

Dear God...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang