Growing Pains.

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Sunday 4.23.23

Good morning, I know it's been sometime since I last updated this, January I believe was the last time. (Smh on my part)

But anywho...

I woke up this morning like man, I haven't updated Dear God in sometime so now, that's what I'm going to do.

I hope you're all doing well! I would like to hear back from you just to catch me up on your life.

So on this update I would like to talk about growing with God.

Right now as I typed this I feel like I heard God give me the words 'Growing Pain'

You know, how they say growing pains is like when a child grows and gets taller they may have some pain in their legs or just some pain in general as they're changing and developing.

Now this is personal but I've been dealing with a spiritual growing pain,

But as I was saying I've been goin through a spiritual growing pains. Like I've lost a lot of friends because I don't do the same things I use to do. Partying , drinking, smoking, clubs none of that so pretty much their gone from my life.

So now I literally be alone by myself 98% of the time. It gets very lonely but I rather be lonely for God than around a lot of people for the devil. But throughout this time I've been praying to God for maturity in the spiritual sense. I'm mature as a young woman but spiritual wise I've been asking God to mature me.

And y'all! Let me tell you! Chileee becareful of what you pray for cause it just might happen! And we pray for something like yeah I just need this but don't really think on it too much and then we get it and we're like "oh, he really answered that." And we're not really as prepared and ready for whatever we asked him for. (If that makes sense) cause God really be out here answering prayers! I'm telling you!!

But as I was saying on the maturity level. I have a strong very strong desire to be used by God to help those who don't know him to come to him and get to know him, as well
as those who already know him but to continue to live this life out for Jesus!

Because the enemy is so conniving he's out here doing his job like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (1Peter 5:8)
He's on the move to steal, kill, and destroy.

And when we give our lives to God he gets mad! And does whatever he can to make believers go backwards and not forward. And he wants people to fall away from God. So I'm praying that God will help me to help those so that I can encourage them to keep their eyes on God. To continue to live this life for him because in the end.

It will all be worth it.

If you're not saved, and want to give your life to God. So on that day of judgement you can hear "well done thy good and faithful servant."

Roman's 10:9 says. "that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

You have to confess your sins. Saying "Father, I am a sinner and I'm sorry for the things that I've done, I believe that you raised your son Jesus from the grave and believe in your heart you're saved.

It's as simple as that.. and heaven will be your home on the day of judgement. And you'll be caught up with Christ when he comes back.

Continue to fight the good fight of faith!

If you need to talk or have concerns or questions please don't hesistate to pm me. You can message me privately if you don't want others to know. Or if you don't mind others knowing you can always comment on here and I'll be able to respond to either one.

I love you!🫶🏽

And God loves you more❤️

Be blessed, and be a blessing.

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