My struggle within..

45 9 12

April 28,2021

Good morning everyone!  I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you're staying safe and encouraged❤️

So I just want to vent/share my heart feels heavy so I just wanted to share this.

Like I've said before probably a few times before that there are things that I struggle with in my walk with God. It's so very easy to do wrong and to go left when you wanna do and go right. I'm young still and I still wanna do fun things not saying you can't do fun things with God because you can but it's like the fun that's around me has temptation along with it. The enemy really knows exactly what to put in front of us that we struggle and use that against us.

I'm not gonna lie to you all I did fall into the temptations but I'm trying to not fall short again. Which were not perfect no one is but God and I always beat myself up for the things even after God has forgiven me.

But I do know that our God is a merciful God a forgiving God his mercies are new EVERY DAY.

He just continues to love us to keep us even when we sin he doesn't just give up on us he tells us it's okay just learn from the mistake and keep moving forward. And I'm just so amazed by that.

Maybe I'm just over thinking things but yeah

Let me know your thoughts..

I would love to hear from you all. You also can share testimonies anything that you would want to share that God has done for you. You can pm me and I can put it in the next chapter

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