My little testimony

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So like I said before (yesterday) when I typed the message I had before this one I think I said that I was going to pray and I did. I stood to my feet and lift my hands up toward heaven and just prayed aloud as if god were in the room. So I prayed for others as well as for my self and other things. I kid you not I forgot how I got on the subject of god with my friend but she was telling me how she wanna get close to god and everything two friends said that and it made me feel so good bc I had just prayed to god that I can be an example and how people can see a 360 change a noticeable change within myself: and my friend told me she saw a change in me and that just made my happy I didn't tell her that I prayed for a change or anything she said so on her own!

I feel like god is using me!

God hears prayers some people don't believe but he does this like the second time I've prayed and got an answer in less than 30 minutes like wow!

I know god is great! God is powerful and can do all things but it just amazes me how amazing and quick god can answer prayers I'm just like "god you know you showing out!"

Y'all I'm really in love with god I just want others to be where I am feel how I feel and just get to know him for themselves.

Being close to god having a relationship, one on one relationship you will just be happy just cheesing lol I know I was, I was just in a great mood after that prayer and hearing about my friends and how they wanna know god!

If y'all haven't please get to know Jesus! He loves you and so do I ❤️

Dear God...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt