God is so Good!

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Thursday January 6,2022

Y'all I gotta give my testimony! Happy New Year by the way! I hope all is well with everyone.

So I've been praying and talking to God. I asked him to show me that he's real and that he hears me and he has shown that to me as well as protection.

So I have a step brother I'm not gonna put too much of his business out there but he's been out there and he's had a rough life and everything but I've been praying and praying and praying for him we hadn't talked since June because of some reason which I still don't know but anyway...

I'm not the type of person who hold grudges or hates anyone so I still was praying for my brother to get to know God and I know for a fact he can reach others for God.

So this morning I wake up and my brother message me on messenger saying that he wants to give his life to God.

When I tell you! I praised God thanking him cause this man definitely been through it all I'm soo so soo excited.

And he shared with me that I was the only person who had been constantly telling him about God and he said he had been praying to God how I showed him and now he wants to give God his life.

I'm so excited I think I'm more excited than he is! Lol

Nothing can ruin my day today I don't care what happens my brother is coming to God! And this is just the beginning for many other people.

GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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