Trust God Timing!

48 9 10

Sat 09/12/20

Hey y'all!

So I have been praying for a while for my husband. Marriage is something that has been on my heart for years I want marriage and a family of my own.

My friend tagged me into this thing on Facebook called finding your spouse so I'm hoping them to see if it's really something. It's a Christian based organization so I'm excited!

I can not wait, marriage is from God it's not always gonna be rainbows and kisses ima have good and bad days but as long as we keep God first it's nothing we can't do!

Y'all invited to the wedding!! Lol

So I'm just trusting Gods timing and waiting for him to send his son for me cuz I am READY! like babe where you at? Lol

So my husband and for my mentoring group to take off is what I'm asking of God right now...

What are you asking God for?

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