Monday- Wedneday

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Wednesday November 10, 2021

Good morning my family in Christ I hope all is well with you all. Let me know how you all been doing? How's work family friend? How's life going for you?

So I want to share a little about some of the things I've been going through just this week since Monday.

Now I'm not sharing this to scare anyone or anything like this I'm just really explaining the things I've been going through.

So I've been asking God to mature me in him, so that I can be closer to him and to use me as he sees fit. I'm getting my life together so that I can help others and help people to get to know God or get back right with him. I've also been asking to see in the spiritual realm and lord! I think I definitely have been. And the devil is very upset that I'm doing good for God

On Monday night I was about to go to sleep I did my normal routine put my bonnet on lol and turned my fan on before I laid down in my bed and turned my light off as I did so and got under my covers I began to fall asleep but I wasn't sleep but I just looked at my room in the dark and I began to see what looked like dark images on the wall.

I know you're like how you see dark images on the wall in the dark but idk I  just could so I prayed I turned my light on and began praying against any demonic things.

On Tuesday night as I was sleeping I felt a presence near and I began to pray and I had a dream where this woman was trying to pray demons either in me or over me and I felt something try to get into my body but I prayed against it and it left but in the dream I saw like demonic symbols and the top of the symbols were like Disney characters like buzz light year, Mr. potato head, woody, and Hercules. And I kinda knew Disney had somethings within it but I really feel as if God was telling me something about it.

Now today Wednesday being as to why I'm up at 6 something in the morning I was sleeping and my phone was still on the charger I looked at my phone to unplug it from the charger and saw a text from my friend I replied but went back to sleep once again I think I may have felt a presence near and I tried to go back to sleep and my body began to feel tingly and for the first time in my life that I could remember I experienced a bit of sleep paralysis and I felt something near again I couldn't move for a little bit and I tried to speak but I couldn't say anything so in my mind I said "I plead the blood of Jesus over my life." And it quickly went away.

Y'all I got up so fast! I turned my lights on and I began to just fuss at the devil like a mother fuss at a child for not listening.

I was like look now devil leave me alone! You have no authority over me! You can not have me I am a child of God! And just kept telling him about himself prayed Over my bed and bedroom then I went into my living room and began playing some gospel music and read my Bible different scriptures on if the devil tried to attack again which I hope not because I'm tired of him trying to wake me outta my sleep I hate when people wake me from my sleep so why he think he can do it too? Idk.

But yeah so I had two posters one of  Aaliyah and one of Tupac and I just got up and began to tear the posters down and I had the dvd of Hercules from when I was a kid and I put all of it into a bag and threw it away outside.

I don't know what allowed the devil to come into my home but it's time for him to go back to the pits of hell where he belongs.

Y'all im sorry if it doesn't make sense to you, but if it does I hope you can learn something from it incase the enemy tries to get to you.

And if he does say "plead the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus."

And like the word says Resist the Devil and he will flee!

So that's just what I've experienced and I hope the devil learns that I will always be on God side and he gets tired and leave me alone so I can go back to sleeping peacefully from now on

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