Lets Us Pray!

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Saturday 1/9/21

This is my first post on here for the new year so happy new year to you all! (I promise I'm gonna do better and post more often this year)

Now I know everyone been seeing or hearing about the things going on in the world. And now is time for us to come together and pray! Just like the word says in (2 chronicles 7:14) I believe that God will heal the land.

I'm taking my faith with God even more serious I mean things are going on in the world but I trust God and he will take care of his people. And also I have WE have to be a light in this dark world people are gonna want to know about Jesus and I pray that I am a reflection of my father. I want people to see him through me.

I just prayed this prayer from midnight until 12:30 and y'all! I felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders for real! God really answers prayer!

So please join me each day and just pray with me about the world, the nation, your state,  your city, and for your friends and family.

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