Prayer Request

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Good Morning, I would like to ask you all to join me on prayer request well a couple of them. First one I received a text from my mom I'll show you the text in a few but I'm asking that you will join us with this prayer request.

Below is the text that my mother sent me this morning'

1/4 This morning during prayer the Lord said "Pray Outside". Something is going on in the atmosphere and we need to combat it. Starting today and for the nex
2/4 t 7 days please pray on your porch, deck, patio, in the yard, walking, driving(with windows down), anywhere OUTSIDE. You can be obvious or discreet, pray
3/4  5 minutes or an hour, once a day or 3 doesn't matter. What matters is we PRAY and do so OUTSIDE. Feel free to tell others who know the power
4/4 of prayer so we can have saints all over the world praying.

If we come together to PRAY & we BELIEVE there is no telling what we can achieve and do. there is NOTHING that God can not do. Who knows maybe us praying will stop this Coronavirus, and our killing in our state, in our city, in our world. I'm thinking Big because God is just that big and bigger than what we can imagine. He can do it and I believe he will.

So I'm asking that you all will go outside and pray with me it doesn't have to be a long time like the text said it could be 5 minutes or however long you wanna be outside I'm just asking that you go outside and pray please.

Also I have a friend who asked me to pray for her and things going on in her life I ask that  you pray with me for healing and strength for her as I pray for her as well and help her with the things going on in her life.

I wrote this before and much better but something happened and it deleted everything I was so upset. (Ima just blame the enemy lol ) but anyway.

I hope you all will join me and please tell others who you know have the power of prayer and can get a prayer through we need many prayer warriors to join. Thank you!

Anymore prayer request message me or comment but if you want it to be more personal and don't want many people to know pm me.

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