Truth Be Told!

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Sunday June 5,2022

Good morning everyone! How have you been? How's life going for you? I hope you all are doing well.

There's something I'd like to speak on and that's about this Christian Journey...

This walk with God is NOT easy. You make mistakes, you can even slide back from God and fall away if your not careful.

And the devil really comes at you harder than he would people who don't know God at all.

I'm gonna share this little life issue I been dealing with..

So about two weeks ago now I got baptized I was so excited all the time before because I knew it was coming up to this special moment.

And the day came I got baptized I really didn't know what to expect, everyone is different. I saw videos on tik tok of people get baptized some were just cool and calm others were shouting and receiving Gods presence.

It had me wondering how I would react and I was more so the calm one I mean I did cry and I'm glad I did get baptized.

But I kid you not the devil really attacked me right afterwards. I believe I mentioned before how I had an issue with watching porn and I feel like since then my desire for watching that has grown x2.

I'm not going to lie to you all and say I didn't watch it... the flesh is sooooo soo hard to control but as I was watching it's like I was watching just to watch it like I felt like it was taking a control over me.

So I had asked God for his forgiveness between the week after my baptism and til last night I felt a distance between myself a God. Let me say it like this I felt as if I had stepped away from God. I know he would never leave me.

So last night I surrendered to him I was feeling depression coming, my insecurities been a big impact on how I been feeling and so much other things.

So last night I prayed I told God I never want to watch that stuff again.  I know the devil will try and bring that urge but I'm going to fight hard this time.

I want to live a life for God. There are people that I need to witness to I gotta have my house in order before I can do so.

But I said all that to say this.. as Christian's yes we slip up, yes we still make mistakes but Jesus died so that we can be forgiven.

We have the chance and opportunity to come back our Lord is so merciful toward us that he will still have his arms out for us to embrace him again.

So if you've sinned and just feel like God will never forgive you. Go to him speak to him as you would speak to a bestfriend and share your cares upon him for he cares for you.

I know I put my business out there and I hope you all won't judge but I'm willing to do what I can In order to help someone else.

I'm here if you need someone to talk to, I be needing other believers to talk to as well.

But I hope you all have a great rest of your day! The first day of a brand new Week!


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