The goodness of God & Giving your life to god

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I know I haven't updated this in a while and for that I am truly sorry but I do plan on updating this more.

I woke up with this in my heart and I wanted to share this with you.

Throughout my walk faithful walk as a Christian I've honestly have messed up a few times. I've done things that I know weren't right but the god I serve died on the cross for our sins for reasons like that.

So when we sin we can ask for his forgiveness and he is so merciful that he forgives us each and every time.

So if you feel as if you want to live right and have god as your savior and want to follow him and have joy and peace all you have to do is

Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is the son of god and was raised from the dead and died for your son and you will be saved.

You have to believe that god did these things and he will save you.

Please read Romans 10 verse 9 or if you want you can read romans 10 verse 1-21 to get a full view on the verse about becoming saved.

It may seem confusing or you don't understand by the way of their language back then but some things are clear and you can understand it. (That also depends on what type of bible you have.)  I have a KJV- King James Version

So I hope this helped and I hope you take this with much joy and happiness and you mean it with your heart.

If you ever want to talk to me about anything my private messages are always opened and I am here to speak on whatever you would like .

God bless💜💜

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