God is Always There..

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Sunday Oct 18. 2020

So many times in my life and I'm sure yours  as well we sometimes feel as if God has forgotten all about us, or that he doesn't hear our prayers and it seems we're doing things on our own.

But that isn't the case I often feel like God has forgotten about me but I know he hasn't. I've done my wrong and I've sinned we all fall short and I feel as if I let God down.

But we serve a God who looks at us from above and says..

"It's okay, I still love you learn from this and move forward I will always have your back I will never leave you nor forsake you."

(^I'm putting that into my own words^)

When you feel as if your all alone and God isn't there just know that he is there with you. His word says I will NEVER LEAVE YOU nor FORESAKE YOU. -Hebrews 13:5

And he also says I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. -Matthew 28:20

He tells us multiple times that he's with us we just have to believe it ourselves.

I just love God so much I just want to live right it's very hard especially being young and saved. The world has so much temptation but we have to try and stay away from those things.

I'm not judging anyone I have done my wrong so I know how it is. I'm trying to better myself I wanna be a light in this dark world I often pray and I ask God to use me. Let people see him through me.

I hope this encourage you today.. and remember...

God is always with you❤️

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